
Plymouth Rock

The Plymouth Rock originated in New England in the 19th Century & were created by using breeds such as Dominique, Dorkings Cochins, etc.
Pros: Great layers, fearless
Cons: Aggressive
We added 3 Barred Plymouth Rocks to our existing flock this year. We handeled them a ton as chicks to get them used to humans. We also go 3 Buff Orpingtons with them and raised them together. The buffs integrated into the flock without any problems. The Barred Rocks not so much. They attacked, pecked and defethered all the chickens except one EE. When they started on her, she let them have it. She's not the queen of the flock but she doesn't want to be bothered either. The Barred Rocks also imprinted on my husband to the point that we started calling them Dad's Girlfirend (DG). They would follow him around the yard and peck or chase anyone who came up to him.

We'll be getting new babies again this year but it won't be Barred Rocks and we'll be getting rid of the Rocks when the new chickes are old enough.

They do lay very well though and they seem to be able to handle the cold and heat very well. They're just not for me.
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Pros: best i ever had, so cute.
Cons: NON
love my flock, quiet, docile, smart, curious, each laying 5 agges per week like swiss clock.
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Pros: Intelligence
They're very different than the other chickens I have. They're neither agressive nor timid. They seem to come right up to me, which at times does scare me that I'm going to get pecked (I'm the timid one).
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Pros: hardy, great foragers, productive, camoflauge against predators
I've had 2 of these girls (barred variety) for a couple of years and they're a pleasure to have around. They are great foragers. Not really 'friendly'. They don't let me pet them but they are not skittish at all and come to me looking for treats. All of my girls follow me around like little puppies which I kind of enjoy. Even the skittish leghorns that I have follow me around the yard.

These girls cause no chicken drama whatsoever and lay about 5-6 eggs a week. They even laid through our scorching Oklahoma summer. I'm pleased with them and recommend them to anyone wanting reliable layers and easy-going, pretty chickens.
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Pros: sweet, friendly, mild mannered, laidback
Of all the hens we currently have, our barred plymouth rocks are the sweetest! Both of them will jump onto my lap and sit when I go into the coop. They never bother any of the other chickens, just simply quietly go about their business all day. One of the two we have especially loves for me to pet her and she will go right to sleep. I picked 2 of these for our flock because when I was a little girl I had one and she also was the most friendly of the flock then. She would jump at the gate when I arrived home from school waiting for me to take her on a walk - yes, she would allow me to put a leash on her leg and go for walks every day. : )
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Pros: they become very found of you
Cons: they are timid
i love my plymouth rock.shes the best chicken ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!she might be timid but she really can be the most awsomest chicken youd wish to have.we both are like brother and sisters.she know we both have our sides.if she feels like someone or something is threatinig me she will scare them off.whe are like super best friends.their awsome:)
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Pros: Sweet birds gentle ,great layers
Cons: No cons
Sweet birds great layers
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Pros: Beautiful/Friendly/Great Layers!
Cons: None!
I have had these chickens for 6 months now, they started laying around 3-4 months. I have three, with another 3 chickens of a different breed and 4 pekin ducks. They all get along great! They lay beautiful medium-large brown eggs. They are very friendly, only peck out of curiosity, otherwise I can hold them and pick them up fine! They love treats! Going into winter now and they are taking the cold extreamly well. They are only loud when laying but other than that they are nice and quite :) Would request them to anyone! :)
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Pros: lays all winter long good, good at free ranging
Cons: bossy to other hens
I have had two Barred Rock hens and I have 12 white rock 7 week old pullets. My two hens were great layers even layed through moulting season would come find me in the yard and hop up for attention my son 1 at the time would carry them around and they would sit next to us in the garden and lay their egg for us where ever we were :) My pullets now are very sweet they are in a tractor set up because of a hawk the kids can go out there grab a pullet and walk around with them and feed them worms they find. Great egg layers and friendly hens. Also had Partridge rock great heavy bird great rooster very sweet to hens and chicks under toe and kids could pet and feed him, been handle since 2 days old.
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Pros: Good layers, not broody, cold hearty
Cons: Rooster mean'er than... anything
These are one of my favorites. Their color pattern is nice. They lay through winter. Very nice.
The rooster I had as a kid was meaner than anything, even attacking adults. Don't know if all roosters of the plymouth rock variety are evil though.
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Pros: beautiful, active, curious, attitude
Cons: attitude -- don't like to be touched
I have two blue Plymouth Rocks and three barred Plymouth Rocks. I have to say, I love my blues. They are beautiful, active, friendly, and their treat-greediness rivals my oldest Orpington hen's!
They're great at grabbing and keeping any treat that gets thrown to the flock; they're fast, agile, and very smart.

For the most part, my Plymouth Rocks are pretty healthy, but when my Orpington passed on her sneezes, all my Plymouth Rocks picked them up and are still holding on to them. When I go to or leave my coop, they're are instantly at the wire, even pushing at it, to see what I'm up to. They come over and swirl around my feet when I come in, and peck at or rub against me when I'm not paying attention. The only problem with their temperament, is they hate being caught! They scream when I pick them up! Half of my PRs settle down and relax when they figure out that they're not going anywhere on their own impulsion, but the other half sit there protesting vocally the entire time; and if your hand gets to close, they may try to eat it!
I am definitely going to be getting more of these fellas!
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Pros: Smart, quick, good layers
Cons: got killed by a coyote
I miss them terribly. Does their coloring make them more likely to be taken by predators? The two times I've had them, when the attacks came, they were first to go. I loved how they would be the first to move in and snatch some food delicacy when the other chickens held back.
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Pros: early maturing, dependable layer
Cons: large, can be pushy
I enjoy my PBR, she's flashy a nice, big size and was the first of my flock to be an egg layer and she's very dependable at that...but boy, is she BOSSY! Very alpha female type. She tends to crowd people, boss the other hens around, and isn't afraid to give my dogs a scare!
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Pros: Friendly, curious, active, a joy to watch.
Cons: None
I just bought 10 barred rock and 7 white rock chicks about 8 weeks old so they were already feathered out. They are in a 12' x 20' coop with a light in one corner under the nest boxes. They have lots of room to run, and they do. They are so cute when they run the length of the building flapping their wings. The barred rocks are the friendliest, but both are very active and fun to watch. I am keeping them in the coop untill they are too big for the hawks to carry off.
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Pros: Pretty, Hardy, Docile, Sweet, Quiet when not crowing
Cons: none
We had a Barred Rock Rooster, Dusty, and he was so sweet! As a chick, he was curious and would nibble gently at my fingers. He was very handsome, and wasn't aggressive with hens or me. We rehomed him after we figured out he was a rooster (he started clucking earlier than our pullets). We went to see him three times after we rehomed him (he wasn't far away) and even after an accident that left him hopping on one leg he was still sweet and not aggressive with us! He was attacked by a predator and with his bad leg didn't make it.
Why are these sweet roosters always so loud that we can't keep them?!
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Pros: pretty, fun, freindly, nice eggs
Only had 1 PR (barred).

She didn't last very long (14months) before I had to have her euthanized.
My experience with her:

Eggs: about 6 every 7 days, medium brown, medium size (extra large store egg - still fit in carton)
she became ill a few months after laying so the rest of her eggs were soft-shell till she got so ill she stopped altogether - so I can only vouch for the time she laid.

loves people, curious, tasting everything, great flying bug catcher, energetic, fun to watch, the jester of the flock, sweet to people, easily "trained"/ fast learner. not prone to broodiness.

Cant say on health since mine had a kidney issue the vet is still trying to figure out.
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Pros: Good layers and dual purpose birds
Cons: Flighty, not very smart
I know this is contradicting many other reviews, but I've had Barred Rocks for about 2 years now and I can't say I've enjoyed them. Overall I have found them to be very flighty and not very smart. The roosters haven't been aggressive but seem uninterested in the hens, prefering to wander off by themselves and leave the flock unprotected. They are decent layers and make good meat birds once full grown.
Pros: Hardy, friendly, good layers, easy to care for, non-broody
Cons: None
We have a 13 chicken flock and 4 are plymouth rocks, They are very friendly and run up to me when i come by, they are not bugged by cold or hot weather, they produce good eggs. they are also very pretty, the colouring on their feathers are bright and unique! I would definitely recommend them as a starter or experienced chicken owner. Overall Very Nice, Unique, And Wonderful Pets! :)
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Pros: Good layers, not broody, friendly (or atleast when you have food), cold weather hardy (Some of mine actually eat snow)
Cons: Loud when laying
I have 11 Plymouth rock hens and they all have their own personalities and some are more intelligent than others. They are excellent layers who provided my family with enough eggs that we could sell a dozen or two a week to another family. At first, one was aggressive when she was in the nest box, but I discovered she could be bribed with kale stems. I haven't had any bitten fingers since. When outside the nestbox the only times me or my brothers have been bit is when hand-feeding them and they miss the food. Overall, they are docile yet very motivated by food. Some of them have even learned to jump up 3 feet onto my arm to be hand fed.
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Pros: sweet, good layers, pretty
Cons: rooster has big (loud) crow
I have three plymouth rocks: a Partridge hen, a Barred hen, & a Barred rooster. Out of all my roosters, he is is the sweetest, most gentle bird. My barred rock hen is a little shy but a VERY good layer. My partridge rock hen is very gentle and nice as well. She was injured in a free range coon accident, and lost an eye. Since then she has been my "sweetheart" chicken. Also: apparently, the chicks are semi sexable as chicks- males are light gray with big white spots on their heads and females are darker colored (almost black and white) with small spots on heads.
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