
Plymouth Rock

The Plymouth Rock originated in New England in the 19th Century & were created by using breeds such as Dominique, Dorkings Cochins, etc.
Pros: decent egg production, friendly, large bird
Cons: Not a big fan of their appearance
People instantly recognize this breed once you show them pictures. It is a classic farm breed and for good reason. They are a good multipurpose breed. Decent layers and have a good size. Our Barred Rock is a pet. She lays with decent regularity. I'm not really a big fan of the barred appearance on chickens. I would definitely have at least one in our small flock. Ours is very friendly and enjoys pettings. She is also a horrible glutton....the first to arrive to a pile of treats and the last to leave.
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Pros: beauty/temperment/productivity
Have had Barred Rock for only 8 months but I have fallen in love with the breed. Have owned several breeds and the BR is gorgeous,gentle,I BELIEVE one will be a possible brooder(I will know come spring) and I can't say enough about the gorgeous eggs.The oldest BR pullet(,11 mo, has fluffed out beautifully in the last 3 months and rivals my buff orps for fluffy butt(hey-we all have priorities)My cockerel was a mistake(ate the other 3 mistakes) and he also, to date anyhow, is gentle. a few more months will judge for him but so far so good. Love them. Will have pix soon.
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The one we had was very flighty and loved to wander over the fences; getting her back was often a problem. Before she was killed by the neighbor's dog at around 24 weeks, she was showing signs of getting ready to lay. Because of this specific bird, it's doubtful if we'd choose to get this breed again, although most owners sing their praises. Beautiful feathering an attraction.
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Pros: reliable layer, great personality, one of our dog-chickens
Cons: Was a bit bossy at first, but has settled down after beginning laying
Our barred rock is a wonderful girl. One of our first layers, and going strong!
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Pros: Pretty, friendly, docile, curious, outgoing, lays well
I would recommend barred plymouth rocks to just about anyone, from folks brand new to chickens up through old time chicken farmers. I've found the breed to be quite friendly and outgoing, curious about everything and everyone. They can be quite the characters, with very distinct personalities. Mine lays a pinkish brown, medium sized egg, anywhere from 5 - 7 eggs a week when of peak laying age. Enjoys free ranging, but seems to do okay when contained to the run as well.
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Pros: Lays almost everyday, Docile.
Cons: A little too curious...
Well, I can honestly sat that this breed is awesome.
Even my roos are docile enough to jump in my lap.
They're good with winter.
That part in the cons is sorta true... My BR pullet got her head stuck in between the peep hole plank and the wood under it, and I found her hanging by her head when I got home from school.... She was ok, so I guess you can call her a "hardy" hen....
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Pros: Great Forager, Cold Weather Layer
Excellent cold weather layer and excellent forager for free ranging. Seem to avoid predators more than other breeds do to there color. Very friendly and docile. Great bird for people just starting to raise chickens.
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Pros: Docile, good egg layer and hardy
Cons: None
I have one Barred rock who has such a expressive face, it makes me laugh everytime I look at her! They are hardy in the winter and are great egg layers, they lay medium brown eggs. Very friendly and docile, but it all depends on how you raise them. I highly recomend this breed for anyone who wants chickens, its just a plain beautiful bird with a great personality.
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Pros: gentle calm sweet dispositions
I have raised Day 1's (3 roo's and 1 pullet) and the pullet is the calmest sweetest girl in my coop! The boys are gentle as well-although have begun some agression towards each other when mating....otherwise they preen each other and are buddies.
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Pros: super layers
Cons: aggressive roosters
The ladies were great. They are about as good of a layer as you can get, this side of a production layers (red, sex-link, stars). The roosters get very big and are not always nice. Mine was ok, but always had a chip on his shoulders because he was not the alpha male (Java was). He was rather harsh with the ladies.
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Pros: Hearty breed; great egg layers; friendly; curious; beautiful feathering
Cons: Tend to be a little skittish; infrequent broodiness
My Plymouth Rock pullets are of the Barred variety. They are beautiful birds and are quite willing to be hand fed. However, they don't care to be held and I have to chase them down for health checks. They're excellent layers of medium to dark brown large eggs, and they produce fairly well throughout the Winter months. Although they rarely become broody, they do mother our younger chicks fairly well. During the molt, they tend to keep most of their feathers and so do not get that bedraggled look about them. They're great foragers, eating the bugs and worms they find in their run. They get along well with the rest of our mixed flock. They bare conefinement well, but, like most chickens, prefer adequate space for exploration.
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Pros: Beautiful, good layer
Beautiful birds, got them with the brown egg layers special from Murray McMurray and couldn't be happier. They aren't jump in your lap friendly but they are coming around. They lay beautiful light brown eggs and are just a wonderful addition of color to my flock.
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We had a couple and they were also the friendliest birds in our flock. One of them would just come up to me every time I came near so that I could pick her up and hold her.
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Pros: Super Friendly, love human attention, wonderful personalities, worship my dogs
Cons: Noisy before egg laying
I have 3 Barred Rock girls in my flock of 14 and they are by far my sweetest, most gentle and affectionate girls. I almost regretted getting them at first as they were not a 'showy' as some of the other chicken breeds. Now I don't know what I would do without them! They love human attention (and canine) and follow me around and even stare into the back door to see where I am if I am late coming out in the morning. As soon as I sit down at least one of them is on my lap waiting for some love and occasionally they will fly up on my shoulder for attention if I am ignoring them. I just love how affectionate and personable they are, not to mention they have a very large personality. My Barred Rocks also LOVE my dogs, they follow them around like puppies and do everything they do. If my dogs are drinking they also have their head in the dish drinking, if my dogs are laying in the sun the Barred Rocks are right there next to them. They try to fly up on my dog's backs for a free ride but the pups aren't too crazy about that idea. They are very vocal during egg laying so if you are looking for a chicken your neighbors won't hear it could be a problem?
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From my experience my Two hens are very tame and sweet.
The Rooster I used to have was very protective and would even try to attack me.
Overall I think its a wonderful breed
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Pros: Cold-hardy, wonderful disposition
Cons: Somewhat drab
My two Barred Plymouth Rocks are the sweetest birds in my flock. One takes every possible opportunity to sit in my lap, and will fall asleep there if I let her. Only one has started laying so far - with the amount of light we're getting, I expect the other will wait until spring - but she lays large light tan eggs five or six days a week. As hatchery stock their barring is kind of smudgy and drab, but they're infinitely friendlier than my other chickens.
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Pros: Beautiful, excellent layers, do well in all temps.
Cons: Hen was bossy, picked on younger birds. Cockerel was downright mean.
I had two in my first flock. They were beautiful, but I soon became disappointed in this breed that I had coveted ever since I was a little girl. The hen was bossy. The cockerel was just mean. He would fly at my then 4 yr. old daughter even through the run fence. I sold the hen to someone who had a large free range flock, figured she'd do better in that type of environment. The cockerel ended up in a pot. Maybe some day I'll try another one.
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Pros: Great dependable layers of large eggs, nice personalities, beautiful birds.
I have quite a few Plymouth Rocks in about every color out there. I can't pick a favorite but the Barred is the classic. Great layers of large brown eggs with calm personalities. Can't go wrong with them.
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Pros: Great eggs, every day!
Cons: mine are rough on the younger chickens
Love them, calm, friendly, excellent layers, but mine have been rough on the younger ones, but only for a short time. I would have more if I had room!
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Pros: Eggs, Looks, Friendly, Easy to handle, Comical, Personable, Great foragers, Good in all weather climates
Cons: None that I have found
I have two hens and a roo. Really, this is my favourite breed hands down! They are so easy to love. They are wonderful layers and my rooster is very good with his girls. He is not aggressive, but he sure is loud! :gig
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