
Resolve Sustainable Solutions - Farmers Helper BabyCake supplement

A solid yet peckable food supplement for baby chicks - to be used in the brooder with your...
Pros: Chicks love it
Cons: Does not last long
Pros: my chicks have loved the one I have in the broad box with them and have torn it up. I have already bought another one.
Cons: None
As you can see from the pic below the chicks love these I have it hanging from the roof of the brooder and they would stretch and jump to peck the top of it
week 2 2.jpg
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Pros: clean, easy to set up, and lasts longer than some other treats. Safe for younger chicks
Cons: Can't think of any
My chicks hit this like a sharks hit a dead whale. I took it off the plastic pole and stuck it down on it's side on a food dish and they ate it up. The nice thing is it allowed me to give them their first safe 'treat' when they were only 2 weeks old and also gives them something to pick at rather than each other. Now that they are older they like to roost on top of it but unfortunately I need more than one in their pen or they fight over it. It can last quite a while too. Well worth the money and planing to always give this to my chicks now.
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Pros: Cheap, smells good
Cons: Chicks took no interest in it, only had a few pecks in it
This was a waste of money. My chicks ignored it and only pecked at it once or twice. I'm glad it wasn't expensive.
Pros: Easy to set up, chicks love it!
Cons: Wish it were cheaper
This is some fantastic stuff! The great thing is...you just set it up and let the chicks devour it! You don't loose any feed. They can't waste any...so you really come out ahead. It's packed with all kinds of vitamins and minerals and good stuff, so the chicks just love it! My chicks also didn't get bored or pick on each other, because they were so busy pecking at the baby cake. I highly recommend it!
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Pros: Chicks love it!
Cons: None so far
Hung it in the chicks pen, and they were working away on it in minutes.
Pros: Easy to handle and hang, no odor.
Cons: Chicks didn't catch on right away - see below
I placed the BabyCake into my brooder with 2-week old chicks, hanging with the included hook. It took me a day to figure out they were afraid of it because it moved. I lowered it a little so it was still hanging, but balanced in on a saucer as well. No luck. I then took it out of the brooder and rolled the cake in cornmeal, making a high-contrast yellow crust, something my chicks recognize as "chick-sized scratch grain".This produced immediate results; in pecking at their cornmeal, they discovered the yumminess underneath. Now they will go to the BabyCake all by itself. They still don't like "moving food" yet, so I'm keeping it suspended yet stationary for now. Do keep it on the cool side of the brooder tho, it will get soft and melt if its too close to your lamp. Fifteen chicks are making short work of it, even left in the brooder for just an hour a day! I will buy this product again, and probably the adult version as well when the peeps turn into pullets.
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