

Rouen (pronounced roan) named after the town of Rouen where they were developed in Northern...
Pros: Pretty, calm
Cons: My guineas hate them for some reason
I have one male an one female an they are both quiet an calm ducks. The male got his pretty big boy colors around 16 weeks. They walk up to me an give me kisses and follow me around. Not laying yet but they are just now 18 weeks.
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Pros: Very Quiet and friendly also large so they cant fly far
they are very cute
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Pros: good foragers, chatty, cold hardy entertaining, good layer
Cons: messy but all ducks are
Great first time ducks. my female layed even through the winter, she only took about 3 weeks off. great foragers, my female is my loud one letting me know I went past feeding time, my male is a chatter and good protector. He has a prolapse penis from mating my chickens. All. The. Time. It does not other him and he is a healthy happy drake.
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Pros: Very loving and beneficial birds
Cons: As all ducks are they are messy
These are the best ducks for both eggs and meat. They have very mild temperaments and easily get along with other birds. They are very beautiful once they have feathered out and are the cutest ducklings. They grow very fast if they have ample room to roam and have fun.
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Pros: Friendly, affectionate, great personality, calm, make loving pets
Cons: Clumsy, can be very talkative (especially when food is involved)
We have two Rouen’s Nibbles and Nubbens (We lost Nibbles this winter to a raccoon attack but we believe she’s still with us) and they have been the best pets out of all the breeds we have owned.
Pros: Loving, cuddly, friendly towards people, sociable, beautiful coloration, playful, wonderful personalities
Cons: Messy (aren't they all?), and can get loud, particularly when they feel they have an insufficient or displeasing food supply.
So far, I have had a variety of ducks (Buff, Crested, Pekin, etc. etc), but Rouens are by far my favorite. As ducklings they are incredibly affectionate and love to be cuddled and held. They will crouch down and dart around when they are feeling excited (I call this the "zoom"), and it's the most adorable thing you'll ever see. As an adult they continue to be very friendly towards people. My husband used to spend every spare moment working on a home-made pond for our ducks, and my rouen would always toddle along after him, nibbling on his legs and feet.
Sadly we lost that particular rouen to an attack, but when the time came to acquire new ducklings, all I wanted was another. They make fabulous companions and melt your heart with their personalities.
Pros: right size, could be meat or egg bird, looks like a mallard, cant fly
Its not as fat and slow as a pekin, but its not frail either. I want a mallard but I don't want a flying bird. The rouen is great for that.
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Pros: friendly, loving, entertaining, adorable, curious
Cons: occasionally get spooked, lack a lot of "duck instinct'
I freakin' love my Rouens.

After raising Mallards for ten years, I was skeptical to raise another breed. I got these fellas this spring and it has been such a joy to watch them grow. They are nearing two months old and although I was hoping for a girl, it's quite obvious by their feathering and voices that they are both boys.

Their names are Duke and Prince. They are so amazingly sweet, still following me around and nuzzling me when I walk in their pen. They trust me and love attention. With my mallards, I always had to run to catch them, but Duke and Prince seem to adore my company. Which works for me.

I'm glad that I chose a different breed, because the differences still amaze me. Rouens, compared to mallards, seem to have a little less instinct, but they are still young. I guess I just can't quite understand why they occasionally eat newspaper -_____-

With that said, I hope that Duke and Prince will continue to live a happy, ducky life.
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Pros: Very entertaining and friendly
Cons: None
This is probably the best breed of ducks you can raise. Rouens can be used for meat or egg production. They don't fly much, but still can flap a few feet away if necessary. This is not a bad thing, especially since my birds free-range a lot. They also have a good wild instinct, can find food well, are extremely cold-tolerant and very smart. Plus they are also relatively quiet compared to others. I love this breed. :)
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Pros: calm, friendly, quiet
Cons: a bit on the tubby side
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Pros: Sweet, very tame, very entertaining, talkative but not loud
Cons: Don't lay as many eggs as other breeds
My Rouens are probably my favorite of my ducks. Mine will leave their flock and rush over to me to greet me in the garden, and one even has a special spot reserved for it in my lap, and she will just snuggle in and preen my hair. As a duckling she even climbed inside my shirt and popped her head out the neck hole. So curious and silly!
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Pros: 1. Friendly.
2. Hardy.
3. Decent layer
4. Beautiful
5. Trainable
Cons: 1. Slightly skittish around small children
I have one Rouen duck. She is a decent layer; she lays an egg about 5 days a week. Her eggs are a pale green and large. They taste great and are great for baking. Our Rouen is super pretty to look at. She is speckled cream and brown with a dark mark across her eyes and a purple/blue slash on her wings. She is the smallest of my duck breeds, but did well through the Texas winter. She is trained to respond to my call, and comes to me when called. She is skittish unless it's dinnertime, then she will allow me to touch her (AFTER I've provided feed or treats). She will feed out of all my kids hands (ages 2-9)
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July 2018
Pros: Sweet, tame, and great layers. Do not fly well.
Cons: Tend to be a little noisey
Though I don't personally own any of these fine ducks, I have been very happy with them. They lay well, and are very docile and tame.
Also, they don't fly very well, so clipping their wings in not necessary.
Pros: super cute, quiet, smart, silly,nice, obedient as a dog
Cons: loud, stinky
if you are wondering why it says loud and quiet it is because they are mostly quiet but love to quack allot! :th
they are probably the best pet ducks made, altho saxonies are pretty good too. But they also lay almost 1.5 every day! So if you are looking to get this duck you should totally get them!
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Pros: Quiet, Calm, Beautiful, Can be tamed, Dual Purpose, Hardy, Very Instinctual, Alert, Raise Ducklings
Cons: May need water to breed, more instinctual than other breeds (more likely to be broody)
I love love love my Rouens!!!!

They are adorable, quiet, calm, tame, easy keepers, hardy, and active foragers- did I mention adorable?
I got mine at 4 weeks old. They had imprinted on each other. 4 Rouens and 2 Rouen crosses.

Since then, I have fallen in love! They are 9 weeks old now, and have grown a lot. All their adult feathers are in, and the drake is eclipsing. They have been raised outside from day 1, no heat lamp, and are hardy. They eat well, drink lots, and relatively tame. A couple ducks are a bit unsettled, and dislike being picked up, but the rest are good with being handled, although they do run away from me. (They imprinted on each other, and thus why they run away). When I leave, they are VERY quiet- almost nonexistent!
They are so beautiful, and they are good ducks. They herd very well, already know that in the grass there is food, and are on alert for predators- Rouens have excellent instincts, thank goodness. Production Rouens are good layers- 120-200 eggs per year, per duck, year-round (although production increases in summer, as they're closer to the seasonal-laying Mallard than other breeds). Moreso than other breeds, the odd bird will raise ducklings. Their instincts are excellent. They're going to be 6-8 pounds, and tasty (the extra drake, the wild one, will be eaten. They typically can not fly, and even as ducklings are always alert, stopping foraging and watching the sky or ground when an animal or bird passes by. I LOVE my Rouens!

The only other breed I would consider, compared to Rouens, is an Ancona or Welsh Harlequin. But I promise Rouens will always be in my flock!

Here they are now, with the mixed breed in the front:

And a breeding pair: (note differences in bills, head, plumage, and stance)

*As ducklings, hens may have rings around their necks so don't sex by that method.
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Pros: affectionate, good layer, good meat bird
Cons: hens are loud and drakes can sometimes be extremely agressive.
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Pros: Friendly, Hardy, Great Layer's, Good Meat Production, Seldom succumbed to diseases when cared for properly.
Cons: Can't think of any.
I have had Rouen's for five years going, and have never had any problems with them, they are a great "all-purpose breed"
Pros: Calm, Beautiful colors, and a great breed to have in the flock!
Cons: Messy, but that's nothing new.
This is Phyllis, who we got this summer and has a very funny and cute personality!
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Pros: Very very lovey<3
Cons: A wee bit messy
I have a Rouen duck named Howard, hes the loviest bird ever, he will fallow me almost everywhere, he lets me pick him up all the time, and even gives me little hugs by resting his beak on my shoulder, he is the sweetest duck ever. Howard loves to nibble things, weather its your jacket, foot, shoe, finger, hand, or pant leg, he is never aggressive though.
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Pros: Great bug eatters. Very cute. Very friendly.
Cons: Noisy and messy
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