

The silkie chicken was developed in the southeast asian countries or china.It was valued as a medicinal food item because of its black skin and bones

General Information

Breed Purpose
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Light Brown/ white
Breed Temperament
Friendly, Easily handled, Calm, Bears confinement well, Quiet, Docile
Breed Colors/Varieties
Grey, Blue, Splash, Partridge, Buff, Black, White are the standard colors with many off standard & derivative colors in existance today.
Breed Size
Feather Legged
Grey, Blue, Splash, Partridge, Buff, Black, White are the standard colors with many off standard & derivative colors in existance today

The Silkie breed was developed in the southeast Asian countries or China. It's named for its atypically fluffy plumage, which is said to feel like silk. The breed has several other unusual qualities, such as black skin and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot, whereas most other chickens only have four. They are often exhibited in poultry shows and come in various colors. It was valued as a medicinal food item in Asia, because of its black skin and bones, and was thought to be particularly good to reinforce body immunity and protect from emaciation and feebleness. It also is reported to treat diabetes, anemia, female reproductive functioning and postpartum disorders. Marco Polo gave the first accounts of Silkie chickens in the late 13th century. As trade route between East and West were established, the Silkie was brought to Europe. Records have shown that in the Netherlands, they were sold as the product of crossing a rabbit and a chicken!

Nowadays the breed is very popular for the purpose of pet chickens as well as exhibition. They are not good layers, averaging 3 eggs per week, but are known and valued for their exceptional broodiness and are often used for hatching eggs from other breeds. They are also considered very good pet chickens, especially for children and are known for their friendliness and docile temperaments.

The breed was officially recognized in North America by acceptance into the Standard of Perfection in the first year of publication which was 1874.

Silkie juvenile

Silkie chick

Silkie rooster

Silkie hen

For more information on Silkies and their owners' and breeders' experiences with them, see our breed discussion here:


Latest reviews

Nicest, cutest, and fluffiest babies ever.
Pros: Amazing pets, great hatchers, sweet, can be kept in a smaller space.
Cons: Low egg production and eggs are small. Also take up to a year of age to start laying.
I have a few and I love them to death. Got to say that they're my fav breed. They take a long, long time to lay though.
Pros: Super sweet
Delighting to the eye
Cons: Can get picked on easily
I have one of my own and she is super sweet I would highly recommend one if your looking to naturally hatch out some eggs.
Pros: Beautiful breed
Popular and easy to sell
Great mothers
Docile and friendly
Cons: Skittish
Not the brightest birds
Susceptible to predators
Infrequent egg layers
Silkies are a favorite breed of many, including me. They’re just downright adorable, and there truly isn’t another breed like them. Their feathers feel like fur to the touch and they can be quite cuddly— for a chicken, at least.

I would say their friendly and docile demeanor is most likely because these birds aren’t very smart. I would even go as far to say they’re dumb, as much as I dislike calling an animal breed dumb. Silkies just genuinely don’t seem that bright and out of the hundreds of chickens I own, are the only ones to always find a way to get themselves into trouble on a consistent basis. They do best in smaller runs with similarly sized chickens.
Purchase Price
$5 per chick
Purchase Date


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I had a Silkie hen go broody and she refused to budge off her nest. I had to bring her food and water as well as take her off the nest every 2 days so she could poop. We also treated her to scrambled egg and black pudding to help keep her weight up.

I gave her water via a large rabbit water bottle, though it dripped so I paid her semi-regular visits, at the times a hen would normally leave to eat and drink, to give her some water. Though there were times she had stubborn streaks and refused to drink from it, so I put some water in a shallow bowl and put some of her favourite wild bird seed mix in it and wriggled it to get her attention, as she pecked at the seeds, she also drank water.

Now the eggs hatched, I expected to spend weeks getting her out of broody mode, but it only really took 2 days of her being outside in the sun with her mate and being let back in at dusk. Sadly she wasn't a very good mum regarding the chicks and attacks them when they get too close, the babies see me as their mama, especially the two we needed to assist due to humidity issues, and I have been suffering from 'empty nest syndrome' ever since my quail babies grew up! XD So I happily took the babies under my arm/wing.
Ive just moved to Tennessee and am shopping for a bit of land i can have some silkies among other breeds.
What are some other docile breeds that would be good egg layers that would get along with them?
Ive just moved to Tennessee and am shopping for a bit of land i can have some silkies among other breeds.
What are some other docile breeds that would be good egg layers that would get along with them?
I have a all white silky, her name is silky lol.... she is about16wks and has started laying light cream/light brn eggs now. she runs around like wild thing and seems alittle crazy so different from other breeds I have. She has gotten where she is attacking my granddaughter when we go to collect all the hens eggs, not sure why she does this. We held her a lot and still do when we catch her. she so runs from my rooster it is the funniest thing to watch but he keeps going after her. Is there anything that will stop her from attacking her without being mean to silky? more cuddling or ????? thanks guys
Ive just moved to Tennessee and am shopping for a bit of land i can have some silkies among other breeds.
What are some other docile breeds that would be good egg layers that would get along with them?
I have orpingtons and they are very gentle as are my dominiquers. Or maybe they are barred rocks, I can't tell the difference! I have mixed silkies with orpingtons with success. I'm in Tennessee too! This is a great climate for these girls.
I am trying to get my hen to become broody she has 13 eggs now but won't sit on them. I have stacked the nest with straw on the out side to give her space to be alone. The other hens cant' see her when she is on the nest. What else can I do to get her to set on the eggs and hatch them.
Well all I figured out what the problem was with my white silky, name silky, lol and why she always ran from the rooster and attacked the other hens, lol she is a rooster, never really paid attention to her feet, silky's have 5 toes but he has 5 and a spurs also his comb goes around his head not straight. I didn't want to believe he was a rooster but when I got him they said that he was a hen and none of the male things were there to tell him apart. I guess its ok now, I do have a lot to learn yet lol, buts that's why were all here together so we can help and learn together. Thanks guys.......
We just hatched three silkie chicks.( waiting on a 4th) Have always had Silkies. Love them! I lost my silkie rooster a couple weeks ago, Oly was some where between 9-10 years of age.He had such a personality..I miss him.:( This is a wonderful breed.The rooster and hen I currently have come running towards me when ever they hear my voice.
We just hatched three silkie chicks.( waiting on a 4th) Have always had Silkies. Love them! I lost my silkie rooster a couple weeks ago, Oly was some where between 9-10 years of age.He had such a personality..I miss him.:( This is a wonderful breed.The rooster and hen I currently have come running towards me when ever they hear my voice.
I'm sorry for your loss.

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Chicken Breeds
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Super Admin
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4.37 star(s) 299 ratings

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