
The Chicken Health Handbook by Gail Damerow

A must have title for all those backyard owners serious about their flock's health.
Eggcellent book
Pros: Explains in depth every kind of issue you may face while raising chickens for any purpose
Has a helpful illness guide in the back
Cons: May be a bit thick to read at times
This is one of the only chicken books I have, and the only one I need. It has helped me so much over the years. I have studied it so much that the pages all fell apart and I had to buy a new one :D
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Pros: If you can only have one chicken book this is the one I would recommend.
Very informative. Lots of good information
Cons: Didn't find any.
Covers every aspect of keeping chickens for the backyard owner
Pros: Comprehensive and easy to read
Cons: None
This is the go-to book on disease and general health management of chickens. Buy it and keep it around for reference (after reading the good parts).
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This book is great! I recommend it for every one who wants a healthy and happy flock. Its great and has tons of health tips, cures, how to prevent diseases, everything you would want to know. I'm actually looking at this book rite now. Hope this review helps. Feel free to ask questions.
Pros: covers all aspects of health and sickness from in the shell to adulthood
Cons: none so far
Written by a veterinarian for the backyard flock. Many pictures and illustrations. Helpful diagnostic charts for incubation helps, and for identifying diseases by symptoms. Invaluable for preventing illness, and for treating it should it strike your flock.
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I absolutely love this book!! It is great and helps me with some of my poultry problems! I recommend this book for anyone! It has lists and charts of diseases and parasites and symptoms!

great book!
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Pros: covers almost everything
Cons: can be a little scary for a beginner
This book is an important resource that every poultry fancier should have in their library. Useful for hunting down even the more obscure things that can go wrong with your birds. Probably more than 90% of the common questions that people ask on poultry forums are answered in this book.
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Pros: Organized
I got this book for my 14th birthday I believe. I've used it many times over. The pages are bookmarked, highlighted, and dog-eared. If you plan on doing all your own vet work for you chickens, then this book is a must have!
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Pros: Informative, Explains how a disease works and how to basically keep a chicken healthy,
Cons: Missing a couple new diseases May be a challenge to read for young children
Keeping a chicken healthy is harder than it seems. There are so many problems and illnesses a chicken can have that it can fill a book! And that's exactly what it did. The Chicken Health Handbook does a great job explaining a whole bunch of different conditions that a chicken can get and how to recognize them and cure them. There's a lot of Biology to this book! The only problem I found with it was that there are diseases like West Nile Syndrome and Egg Drop Syndrome that did not exist until after this was published and there have most likely been some ways to cure, know what causes a certain illness found out after the 2000's. This is an amazing read and is worth getting.
I just purchased this book because of all the amazing reviews on here! Thank you to everyone. I am excited to get reading. I also purchased its older sister, Storey's guide to Raising Chickens. It had great reviews also. I cannot wait for the spring. In a few short weeks, (when its a little warmer) I will be preparing my chicken coop, and purchasing my chickens. I am excited to get started!
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Pros: Has basically everything your chicken can come down with
Cons: Little over my head in parts
Your chicken comes down with something, it will be in this book. Some chapters were way over my head in knowledge and since it has so many disease you will probably mis-diagnosis your chicken with a disease that only happens in the tropics :) Overall great book to have but not really a fun read like some other chicken books.
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Pros: Informative
Cons: Not enough about chicks!
I got this book for Christmas from a friend. I love all the pictures and diagrams. There is a lot of great information in the book but unfortunately there isn't a lot about chicks. I guess I wasn't expecting a lot of info on chicks because the title does say The CHICKEN Health Handbook. This is a great reference for all chicken newbies!
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