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  1. Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies

    First Ever Hatch Along! - Silkies

    Hello! Starting a hatch-along! I'm going to be posting regular updates on them as well. There are 6 silkie eggs in the incubator right now. Questions for experienced silkie hatchers: I'm getting a lot of mixed results for the temp and humidity online. What would you suggest...
  2. Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies

    Another appreciation thread!

    Hello peeps! It's time again that we appreciate the BYC staff! They help keep our space friendly and open to everybody. Thanks for keeping BYC running! @TwoCrows @N F C @casportpony @21hens-incharge @BYC Project Manager @BYC Support @DuckLady @Nifty-Chicken @oldhenlikesdogs Thank you guys for...
  3. Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies

    Ideas for an article

    Hello! I'm making an article about chicken breeds, and I'd like to know which one you guys would like to see next.
  4. Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies


    This is a fish You may ask the fish questions. The fish will respond.
  5. Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies

    Watch these chicks grow up!

    I'm just going to post pictures of these new chicks from time to time, and then I'm going to compile them and see how much bigger they've gotten! See you all :)
  6. Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies

    Another competition with cool prizes! Find a feather from one of your chickens - picture Take a picture of the chicken in came from - picture Feed this chicken a plant - picture *No picture* Write the name and breed of your chicken *No picture* Write your aesthetic *If you don't know yours then find it* *No picture* Write...
  7. Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies

    Good night!

    I'm gonna start posting here regularly just to say good night and give you a little message! Goodnight, and I hope your day went mostly according to plan 😊 -Moth
  8. Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies

    The Yield

    Hello! You're probably here thinking "What in the heck does "the yield" mean? The Yield means what all you've collected from your chickens! Eggs, feathers, anything like that. Just a little place to show off with other feather collectors! I personally love collecting feathers, and I know some...
  9. Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies

    Chickens molting like crazy?

    I have 5 at the moment, and every day I find 5 or so large feathers from my chicks, but they don't look like they are molting to me? My silkie roo also always gets feathers all over the floor. My hen as well. I don't know if it's just molting season, it seems a bit late, but I don't know. This...
  10. Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies

    A Fun Little Competition

    Hello! I've been wanting to make a game, and I just had an idea for one. Try to come up with the most absurd, crazy, and funny tag you can. This game will go on until the end of the month, so get your tags in! You can have 2 game tags per person, and the tag has to end with two periods ".." so...
  11. Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies

    Cat memes

    Hello everyone! I have no brain as of the moment and I love stupid pictures of cats. Just post them here if you find any! To start... Now you have a picture of a cat. See you!
  12. Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies

    Dream Duck - What's yours?

    Hello everyone! Back again with the dream series! It's really fun to host them and it gets you thinking! Also I'm trying to make more threads, I don't have many. Alright. What kind of duck is your dream duck? Your dream color of duck? Your dream temperament? Answer all of these below! I'm...
  13. Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies

    Jackson - Memorial Post

    Hello everybody We recently had a really big loss and I'd like to make this post as a memorial. Our family cat recently passed due to kidney, liver, and heart problems. He had hyperthyroidism and a heart murmur, both of which were diagnosed in late 2023. His body wasn't functioning that well...
  14. Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies

    Now selling custom crocheted stuffed animals!

    Hello! So I've gotten REALLY into crocheting recently. And I've made a lot of things, some of which I might as well sell. I might be able to ship but I'm not sure yet. If you'd like to order anything, please put the color, animal, and size, and I'll tell you the price. It will be really cheap...
  15. Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies

    Dream Flock - What's yours?

    Hi everybody! Back again with the dream series. It's fun to do and you guys seem to like it too! Alrighty, as you can see this one is about your dream flock! Your dream breeds, your dream age for all of them, etc. I'm excited to hear about you guys' dream flocks. And if it gets enough comments...
  16. Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies

    Dream Chicken Temperament - What's yours?

    Hello! Back again with the dream series. Here's the first one! Ok, this question is... What would be the perfect temperament for a chicken that you would keep? Kindness and such. Have fun!
  17. Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies

    New Easter Egger Chicks! How do I help them grow?

    Hello! So, very exciting news! I'm finally getting chicks! Two in fact. And they're easter eggers, which is different as I only have bantams. I will have to keep them in the same coop as the silkies, but if they don't get along we'll have to figure something else out. Anyway, I am getting them...
  18. Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies

    Dream Coops - What's yours?

    Hello everyone! I'm starting this new series called Dream Things! It's a series of threads all asking about something that if you could have, you would. So, for this Dream, what coop would you have if you could? Any coop at all! Please post a picture to go with it. I'm excited to see what you...
  19. Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies

    Harness training a silkie?

    I recently got a chicken harness! I fully suggest anyone with nice chickens gets one, as they are SUPER fun. I took some videos, but I can't post them. It won't let me 😭 Anyway, I caught him (my white satin non-bearded silkie rooster crazy i know) crowing multiple times, and he can even walk...
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