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  1. 9SpiceyChickens

    Bantam with Large Fowl hens?

    Hello! Currently I have 4 LF hens, none of their breeds are especially aggressive with other chickens, and they personally all have chill temperaments. We are moving in March and they’ll have a larger coup, so we’re looking at getting bantams. We’ve come up with a few potential options- 1. Get...
  2. 9SpiceyChickens

    Help me choose chick breed!

    We are getting 2 new baby chicks tomorrow (we already have 2, the 2new ones are replacements for 1 that passed away). We are getting 1 salmon favorelle for sure, other than that what breed would you guys suggest? we are looking for a good layer, friendly, and most importantly QUIET!!!!! The...
  3. 9SpiceyChickens

    Help!!! Lethargic Light Brahma Chick!!!

    Hello I’m not sure if I should post this here or on the baby chick forum but here it goes. Yesterday, March 19th, we got 3 baby chicks, a black sex Link, a red sex link, and a Light Brahma. The sex links have not bullied the Brahma or anything. But from the start the Brahma has been very...
  4. 9SpiceyChickens

    South Dakota Thread!

    I definitely don't live in South Dakota, but I decided to make this thread for SD dwellers! How hard is it to care for chickens in winter? It sounds like it would be very difficult! That is for a Californian :lol:! My dads from South Dakota and he grew up on a farm with chickens so he's told...
  5. 9SpiceyChickens

    Needs A LOT Of Help Dealing With An Aggressive Hen

    TL;DR- My once super sweet hen has now killed a 6 week old chick and hurt herself trying to get to another chick. Do you think she will ever be not so aggressive and be able to live with the chick that she hurt herself going after? From the beginning. We got 3 chicks, 1 turned out to be a...
  6. 9SpiceyChickens

    7.5 Week Black Austrolorp- Pullet Or Cockerel?

    Skipper is the cutest sweetest most loving little chick ever. She is 7.5 weeks old and was sold as a Black Austrolorp Pullet. What do you guys think? I also have another chick (who passed away) who I was wondering the gender of, if you guys wanted to take a guess. 5-6 week old Silver Laced Full...
  7. 9SpiceyChickens

    Looking For Support

    My 6 week old Silver Laced Cochin was pecked to death last night and I'm looking for support. Please post pictures of your babies (especially Cochins). I'm NOT looking for what I did wrong, just support.
  8. 9SpiceyChickens

    Transition 6.5 Week Olds In With A 2 Year Old?

    We have 1 full grown, 2 year old hen I'm not here to talk about how I have only 1 alone, so get over it! I also have 2 6.5 week old chicks. 1 is a Cochin the other an Austrolorp. They are almost all feathered (it looks like at least) and I want to move them out to the big girl coop. They have...
  9. 9SpiceyChickens

    Is her butt normal?

    I was wondering, does her bum look bormal to you guys? I have some pictures, I can get more. She’s 2 & 1/2 almost 3 weeks old.
  10. 9SpiceyChickens

    Anyone Play Games With Your Chicks?

    I just got new chicks today & have been playing a game with them. I'll grab a little chick starter and sprinkle it in their cage and they'll run after it! It's pretty cute! Do you guys play games with chicks?
  11. 9SpiceyChickens

    Build A Chicken!

    So we all build a chicken together! First comment- Breed Second Comment- Bantam or Standard Third Comment- Color/Pattern Fourth Comment- Hen Or Rooster Fifth Comment- Name! I'll start! Maran
  12. 9SpiceyChickens

    Show Me Your Seramas!

    Hello! I'm trying to find a few pictures of Seramas, if anybody has Seramas, preferably hens they could post pictures of here! *Please don't post pictures of Seramas that are breed to have their head extremely far back, example below* Not like that :D
  13. 9SpiceyChickens

    I'm Throwing My Chickens A Birthday Party!

    My chickens, Sephora & Bubblegum, are turning 3 this Monday! So, I'm throwing them a virtual Birthday Party! I'm making them each a fancy little chickens cupcake, I'm going to post the recipe I use for Chicken Cupcakes & send a picture of one of your chickens at a "Birthday Party"! I might also...
  14. 9SpiceyChickens

    Chooks With Good Looks!

    This is my (hopefully) daily log & chat thread! I'm going to make a form for myself so I can remember to actually post interesting things daily! Number Of Chickens- Number Of Chicks- Number Of Eggs In The Incubator- Number Of Eggs Laid- Names Of Chickens- One Interesting Thing-
  15. 9SpiceyChickens

    Which Chicken Breed To Choose?

    I'm hoping to get 3 bantam chickens. There are 4 breeds I want, help me narrow it down with information you know about these breeds. Requirements- Bantam (duh) Quiet- if they are a loud breed of chicken, I can not have them- our Wyandotte is loud enough Heat Hardy- Northern California gets...
  16. 9SpiceyChickens

    Help Me Convince My Mom To Let Me Get Bantams!

    Haven't been on for a while, but love the changes :) So, I want bantams for 4-H. And my mom isn't against having bantams, she just want's me to get some good reasons on why I should get bantams. I'm planning on getting 3 birds- A Crele Old English Bantam a Barred Old English Bantam & a...
  17. 9SpiceyChickens

    Has Anybody Used an Eglu Coop?

    First off- Second off- Has anyone used this? What do you think of it. I'm considering getting a new coop soon, when we get new chickens, and although this isn't my first choice, I want to see what people think of it. I...
  18. 9SpiceyChickens

    100 days from Wild to Mild ~RP~

    ...and trainer must be 10. 6. No Stallions 7. Must be between 12 & 17 Hands "Trainer Application" First Name- Last Name- Age- Gender- Grade*- Looks- Personality- Training Style- Barn Name(where they board)*- People They Know*- Favorite Activity To Do (Non-horse related)*- "Mustang...
  19. 9SpiceyChickens

    Introducing Bantams to Large Fowl

    Currently we have 2 Large Fowl hens, Sephora , 3.5lb EE, and Sephora, 5.5lb GLW. We are getting 2 Bantam Leghorns. How to do we introduce them? *I'm not looking for coop size and "Oh your coop is too small", please just answer my question! Thanks!
  20. 9SpiceyChickens

    Raising Cornish Crosses For Meat!

    Why hello there! (This is my new discussion post, so feel free to drop a tip or two!) I'm raising 4 cx for meat this year in 4h. We are doing the market trio and the birds need to be in between 3.5 and 6 pounds for fair! I am only raising 4, because we aren't going to raising 185 chicks...
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