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  1. mschickiemama

    Are these poops normal?

    My hen is old, skinny, may be putting her down (sucks), not eating or drinking or walking, but she's had such a variety of poops I'm wondering what they mean and how is she pooping still when she's not eating or drinking for about a week now
  2. mschickiemama

    Can vets test chickens for cancer etc. ? Anyone have a good experience at an avian vet?

    My chicken started out with full squishy crop so a vet gave me meds for that. Her crop got a little smaller. Then she eventually stopped eating and drinking almost a week. Now her crop is a lot smaller but still not totally empty. I think something else is going on and crop was a symptom. I...
  3. mschickiemama

    Fourth day not eating or drinking, can't stand up

    11 year old hen. Started with a crop problem (not emptying, squishy). She's never had crop issues. Used meds from avian vet and she perked up a little. Would still eat people food, no chicken feed. Crop improved somewhat. Since Thursday she stopped eating or drinking (unless I force beak in...
  4. mschickiemama

    Chickens head slowly rising while at rest

    Does anyone know what causes this? It started day before yesterday. She isn't drinking or eating anymore the past 2 days. Does that cause it? I don't know what to do. I have to decide whether to have her put to sleep. I'll try to post a video Here is video:
  5. mschickiemama

    Is my chicken dying?

    Since last night her head slowly rises slightly upward while she's at rest. This morning she can't stand on her own. She falls and lays down. I had to take her out of the nesting box she sleeps in. She hasn't been interested in food except like 2 bites of egg the past 2 days. But she drank...
  6. mschickiemama

    Impacted crop time frame for getting better?

    Hi guys, I have been treating my hen for impacted crop the past 5 days and my vet gave me enough medicine for 1 week. Her crop was big and squishy. Now it's a little smaller the past 24 hours. But she also hasn't eaten yesterday so maybe that's why? Vet said there should be some progress by now...
  7. mschickiemama

    How long should crop medication take to work?

    I am using metaclopramide and lactulose solutions from avian vet and have done it 3 days now and her crop is still full. She was a lot perkier earlier which is an improvement but now later in the day she seems really quiet. Does anyone have experience with these medications? I am supposed to...
  8. mschickiemama

    Can chickens pass any diseases onto humans?

    Accidentally pricked my finger with the needle I used to give my chicken her metaclopramide. 😬
  9. mschickiemama

    Worried my older hen is in pain

    My 11 year old hen hasn't been her usual self the past 4 days. -- not eating her feed (just kinda plays with it), only eating snacks like scrambled egg, banana, small piece of toast, blueberry -- crop feels squishy -- poop is liquidy with some solid green parts --she goes to bed earlier and in...
  10. mschickiemama

    Older hen not as perky as usual, slightly full crop, not as interested in chicken feed

    The past 3-4 days my 11-year-old hen hasn't been so perky. She isn't rushing to leave the house in the morning, and she goes to bed a little earlier than usual. She's not eating the chicken feed. She just kind of plays with it. But she will eat scrambled eggs and banana so I've been feeding her...
  11. mschickiemama

    I need chicken house tips

    Hi guys, I could use some advice on the current chicken house. I only have one chicken right now so it doesn't get too messy, but she sleeps in the nesting box (they are removable for cleaning), and I feel like the roosts are at weird heights. One is low and the other is really high. I don't...
  12. mschickiemama

    Wondering if I should change chicken feeds

    My 10 year old blue andalusian has been having messy poops that stick to the feathers easily. You can hear it come out and it's one big moist pile. Sorry TMI Lol I was feeding her scratch and peck grower feed for a while and am now feeding her purina flock raiser maybe a month. Even if I put...
  13. mschickiemama

    Are wild birds dangerous to chickens?

    I signed up to volunteer with baby birds this spring at a wildlife center and I'm wondering if they could spread anything to my chickens because I definitely don't want that. What should I do
  14. mschickiemama

    Are there any chicken breeds that lay right through winter naturally?

    Without any additional lighting etc.
  15. mschickiemama

    Chicken straining to poop

    Hi My hen has been straining to poop the past couple days. This morning she did it right away. A tiny bit came out and then some liquid came out. I doubt it's an egg issue as it's molting season plus she hasn't laid an egg since February (a shellless one). She's been eating Scratch n Pack...
  16. mschickiemama

    Is orchard grass hay safe for chickens?

    I usually use timothy hay so just wanted to make sure orchard grass hay is ok too. lol Mine like to eat hay sometimes and I also use it as bedding in the coop.
  17. mschickiemama

    Chicken messy bum -- ammonia smell normal?

    Hi My hen has been having poop sticking to her feathers. She was occasionally having healthy solid stools but also has been having more soft/liquidy stools. Her feathers back there are messy and smell kind of like pee/ammonia. Is this smell normal when they have a messy bum ? Thank you <3
  18. mschickiemama

    What's your chicken's/chickens' favorite snack/treat?

    I know their main food should be well-balanced chicken feed but what's their favorite treat? :D Mine likes blueberries a lot and makes happy sounds when she gets them! :jumpy I also discovered she likes almond milk yogurt
  19. mschickiemama

    Solid matter in poop ?

    Hi! My hen is not feeling well. Today she isn't interested in food and when I finally saw her poop it was liquid with this weird solid part in it. The solid part looks like solidified egg white or something. Her body and vent looks normal. I'm not sure what to do - just hoping she's ok. Could it...
  20. mschickiemama

    Will rattlesnakes (or other snakes) bother chickens?

    Where I'm moving I guess people see rattlesnakes on occasion so now I'm a little scared. Would rattlers bother a chicken? Or rabbit for that matter since I have a rabbit living in the coop too. The coop will have hardware cloth so I don't think a snake will get in there but if they're free...
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