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  1. FunnyFarmer

    Question about egg yolks

    Okay, this is weird. My nice fresh eggs have totally runny yolks, as in, you break the egg in the pan and the yolk goes everywhere. I know what's wrong when the eggshells are thin (& how to fix it) but this has me stumped. Anybody had this problem & solved it?
  2. FunnyFarmer

    Sometimes life just stinks.....

    No good way to say this other than to just say it--my horse Fancy colicked and died last night. The vet said he thought there was probably an obstruction in her bowel--she'd been out on new grass for a while that afternoon but if that was all it was she'd have gotten better. What a lousy...
  3. FunnyFarmer

    Need NC info on protecting your livestock

    I saw a couple of loose dogs in the woods today and yesterday that I suspect belong in a nearby subdivision--and my chickies free range in the afternoon. I have no qualms about SSS, (although I'll have to suck it up and go practice a few times with the shotgun--it kicks) but I'd like to know if...
  4. FunnyFarmer

    Anybody watch Battlestar Galactica?

    The new one on SciFi? I had a major binge last week and watched all of last season in one night on the DVR, and have now caught up with this season. Wow. Earth was populated by Cylons before it was nuked. And HELEN was the fifth and last Cylon. Wow. Cool! I'll be looking forward to how...
  5. FunnyFarmer

    You know you have chickens when....

    Company is coming so you go sweep the chicken poop off the front porch!
  6. FunnyFarmer

    As if I didn't have enough chaos in my life.......

    We just HAD to go get a puppy. Baggins (our 3 yr old bassett) really needs somebody to romp and play with--and Shea (the 12 yr old mini dachsund) just isn't up to it. So--Xena, a 5 month old lab mix from the animal shelter, came home on Thursday. She's not going to be very big--she's about...
  7. FunnyFarmer

    I have officially lost my mind!

    As if I don't have enough chaos around here, we went to the county animal shelter today and will be bringing home a 4-5 month old puppy next week. This should be interesting--I've had dogs around for years but never had a puppy. Is housetraining a puppy all that different from potty-training a...
  8. FunnyFarmer

    Why is it.....

    that the kid falls down the stairs at the exact moment you have the big dog in the bathtub covered with shampoo? The kid is fine--couple of bruises and a goosegg on her head--but boy is my bathroom wet! Oh well, I guess it's one way of getting the floor clean! Oh yeah--this was AFTER I...
  9. FunnyFarmer

    Horse question

    Does anyone else give their horses paste wormer in their feed? I cannot get wormer in my mare without half of it going all over the place, so today I decided I was going to try putting it in her feed. She scarfed it right down and so did the donkeys (theirs, that is.) Is there any reason NOT...
  10. FunnyFarmer

    I am woman hear me roar!

    But I'm pooped! I hauled thirty bales of hay across the yard to the barn and loaded them in because the mud around the barn is too deep to get the trailer up to it. Made my eight-year-old do a WHOLE PAGE of multiplication problems & some spelling. Did three loads of laundry. Made breakfast...
  11. FunnyFarmer

    I love New Years Day!

    My kitchen is total chaos with about 8 people, crepes, waffles, soup, and rolls all going at once, three different conversations, dogs underfoot and kids making a racket upstairs. I love it. This is one of my favorite days of the year. Friends are the greatest!
  12. FunnyFarmer

    Woo Hoo I got a new roo!

    I saw a fine-looking young RIR rooster on Craigslist this morning for $5, so I went and got myself an early Christmas present. He's currently by himself in the chicken yard, and he and my Black Rock roo are bobbing and fluffing their feathers at each other through the chicken wire. It's funny...
  13. FunnyFarmer

    Are Delawares reliable layers?

    I'm thinking about getting some--a fellow crazy animal person told me the guy at the feed store has some three-week-old chicks he'd really like to get rid of. I had planned on getting Rhode Island Reds this spring, but hey--plans can change. I do need good layers though. Erika
  14. FunnyFarmer

    Hello from the Funny Farm

    I live in central NC--the big burg of Efland (occasionally referred to as Elfland by some of it's more eccentric inhabitants....) I've been lurking on here a while but finally decided to come out of the cyber-closet. I have 8 RIR hens, 3 EEs, 1 Buff Orp, 1 Partridge Rock, 1 black banty hen of...
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