Hello from the Funny Farm


11 Years
Jul 20, 2008
Efland, NC
I live in central NC--the big burg of Efland (occasionally referred to as Elfland by some of it's more eccentric inhabitants....)

I've been lurking on here a while but finally decided to come out of the cyber-closet. I have 8 RIR hens, 3 EEs, 1 Buff Orp, 1 Partridge Rock, 1 black banty hen of unknown breed, 1 mutt white pullet, and a Black Rock rooster. I also have two cats who wandered out of the woods one day as 6 wk old kittens, a mini-dachsund rescued from apartment life with a young lawyer, one basset hound rescued from the side of the road, a quarter horse mare, and two donkeys (one mammoth, one mini). Oh--and two kids I homeschool. No wonder we call this place the Funny Farm........

I'm planning on getting some more RIR chicks this spring--they're my power layers and I can sell as many eggs as my girls can lay, just by word of mouth among family & friends. They mostly pay for their laying mash! I generally let them free range in the yard in the afternoons, and between the donkeys, dogs and cats don't have much of a predator problem. The only problem dog went to live with my MIL after she disposed of the third batch of chickens. (She was lucky she didn't go on a long walk back in the woods with a shotgun!)

Welcome!..as you can see if you scroll down and read my sig. line..i also live on a funny farm...so, nice ta meet ya!...
..., Wendy

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