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  1. #1California Chick

    Why Aren't Their Eggs Getting Bigger??

    In my last flock, I had BRs, BOs, BAs, RRs. The first week or so of laying we had some small eggs, but then they settled into a solid routine of large and extra large eggs. My new flock of 5 BRs and 5 Red Stars has been laying for over a month. Every day I get 1 large egg (2.0 oz+) and the...
  2. #1California Chick

    How long will she keep this up??

    My two year old BO went broody for the first time in late April or early May. She is STILL at it. Early on I gave her two plastic easter eggs to sit on, thinking that she would give up when they did not hatch. I remove any eggs that she lays (1 every two or three days). She gets off the nest...
  3. #1California Chick

    Broody Hen - Can I wait her out??

    I have an almost 2 yr old BO hen (the first of my 8 hens to go broody) that went broody about a week ago. She was either #1 or #2 at the BOTTOM of the pecking order. She moves around between the three nests. I remove eggs from the nests several times a day and whatever is under her at sunset...
  4. #1California Chick

    Chicken Ringtone - You have to hear this!!!

    My daughter (who is very tech savy) assures me that this ringtone download is totally free! This is now my default ringtone. My friends already think that I am crazy for getting chickens (although they are happy to take the eggs!). I think that it is VERY FUNNY!! Go to...
  5. #1California Chick

    Knitters - I Need Basic Beginning Help

    Hi My daughter gave me a Knifty Knitter round loom for Christmas. I love it -- BUT I made a tangled mess out of the skein of yarn!!!! The instructions said to use two yarns as one. SO, I took (or tried to take) one end of the yarn from the inside of the skein and one end from the...
  6. #1California Chick

    I got $ 15 for 2 dozen eggs!!!

    WOW!! This is so great! A person contacted our local Yahoo group for Chicken folk after an article in our local newspaper about suburban chickens. He was interested in buying FRESH eggs. I waited a couple of days to respond, since I live a couple of towns away from him. Apparently I was the...
  7. #1California Chick

    Picklers I Need Your Help

    Today I made 12 quarts of refrigerator cucumber pickles and canned 6 quarts of Jardinere (cauliflower, carrots, pickling onions, celery & zuchinni). However, it both cases, I was left with a fair amount of pickling syrup. It seems like such a shame to throw it out since it tastes so good...
  8. #1California Chick

    I Got My First Egg -- Now Nothing!!

    I was very excited last Friday to get my first egg (I think that it was from my 21 week old Australorpe - who is the largest of my pullets). It was small , but not too small. Since then, nothing!!!! When will I see another egg?? We opened up the nests, but so far no sign that any of the...
  9. #1California Chick

    Canning Tomatoes - Why do they Separate?

    I have been canning tomatoes for the last week. I have tried heating the fruit before I put in the jars. I still end up with juice/water on the bottom and fruit at the top of the jars. What am I doing wrong?? Thanks for your help!! Cindy
  10. #1California Chick

    Dried Tomatoes -- Now What???

    I just dried a large batch of Roma Tomatoes in my dehydrator. In the past, I have placed them in small jars, covered them with olive oil and kept them in the refrigerator (up to a year). Is this the best way? What are some other options?? Does anyone use vacuum packers? How does this work...
  11. #1California Chick

    When to open the nests?

    I have 9 19-week pullets. Some of them have red combs and wattles and some don't. No one has started squating yet. When do I remove the covering over my nest boxes?? My roosts are higher than the nests and on a different wall. Do I just wait until one of them lays an egg in the coop or run...
  12. #1California Chick

    When does "Pecking Order"start?

    I have 9 pullets that are 15-weeks old today. So far, I have seen no evidence of "pecking order". There does not seem to be a dominate hen. Nobody keeps others away from the food, treats or water. They pretty much all dig in when I bring out a plate of mash and yogurt!! There does not seem...
  13. #1California Chick

    What are my chickens thinking???

    I have NINE 11 week old chickens. They went into their coop and run 4 weeks ago. The coop and run are out in the "garden" 1/4 acre, which is set off from our back yard by a 6 ft fence. I have been trying to introduce my "City" dogs to the chickens. My 90 pound Standard Poodle has been doing...
  14. #1California Chick


    I have read on here that you shouldn't use cedar chips in the coop because they give off fumes that are bad for chickens. What about western Red Cedar wood for construction of the coop??? Lowes has several Western Red Cedar sheds that I think would work for a coop. Lowes claims: "Western Red...
  15. #1California Chick

    Help - New chick not doing well!!??

    I picked up 8 - day old chicks on Friday. They all appeared the same size and equally vigorus. However, today one of the RIRs does not seem to be doing well. She is always hunched over and sleeping. Even when you pick her up, she does not always open her eyes. When I examined her, it looked...
  16. #1California Chick

    Coop Design -What am I missing??

    My chicks are arriving next week, so it is time to give the specs for the coop to my DH. He is an engineer, so I have to be specific!! I am getting 8 chicks (max that I can have). I live in California, near the SF Bay, so our winters are very mild. We have coons and hawks in the area. The...
  17. #1California Chick

    Total People on line at one time???????

    Hi Last week you posted that we had reached 1300 (?) people on line at one time. Today you dropped that number back to the previous level of 979. What happened??? Cindy
  18. #1California Chick

    WOW 79 new members in 24 hours!!

    WOW!! Is this a record?? Between 10:22 pm on 2/15 and 10:56 pm onf 2/16, we had 79 new members join BYC!!! Cindy
  19. #1California Chick


    I am trying to plan ahead to the coop/run that I will be building in the next couple of months (it doesn't get so cold here in California Bay area). I am planning on starting with 4-8 chickens to start!! (Day old chicks in Jan or Feb) I am also a Master Gardener -- so the poop/litter is a...
  20. #1California Chick


    I live on the San Francisco (California) Peninsula and have been fantasizing about getting chickens for several months. At first my DH told me that I was completely crazy!! We now are (sort of) having conversations about where a coop/run might go, construction options, etc. I would like to...
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