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  1. headred

    3 Khaki Campbell laying females for sale

    Looking for a good home for my 3 khaki campbells. They currently free range my city backyard. I am moving to a new home that won't be a good yard for my girls. They are 2 years old and lay an egg a day, except for winter and when they molt. You can see more of them at
  2. headred

    Anyone feed their ducks milo?

    We have milo almost ready to cut from the field. Do you think it would be OK to give the ducks a few heads of milo to peck at once in awhile?
  3. headred

    Drakes and behavior, tell me what you know....

    There is a great thread going here on female behavior which makes me think of questions I have about drakes. 1. Is there ever a time that a drake is not "after" a female to mate her? 2. Has anyone ever had a drake that has hurt a hen? 3. I have 5 hens and I think my drake mostly likes 1...
  4. headred

    Egg without a shell, WOW, what's the deal?

    Today was a funny day for eggs. I live in eastern Kansas, so we've had about 2 or 3 inches of rain in the last day, storms, etc. The ducks have been thrilled with all the water and I think two of my girls layed eggs for the first time. These are the four I got today..... I first got this...
  5. headred

    WHY do ducks quit laying??

    I'm sure this has been asked and answered before, but why do ducks and I suppose chickens also, quit laying after being SO regular. I have read a few different reasons. I am hoping the main reason might be molting, which a couple of mine are doing right now. Feed has stayed the same so I...
  6. headred

    Thin shelled eggs?

    In the last few weeks a few of the duck eggs have been so thin that my finger actually goes thru the shell when I pick them up. Could be just one hen laying them, but does anyone know why the shell would be so thin? Is something missing in their diet possibly?
  7. headred

    Squirrels!! Anyone else have problems?

    This is the scene at my feeder almost 24/7. Anyone have the same problem and what do you all do about birds and squirrels eating your grain? Are we just expected to feed all wild things out there?
  8. headred

    How do ducks do through the winter?

    As my DH and I were sitting out on the back porch tonight, he asked what I planned to do with the ducks in the winter. (he hopes this is a passing hobby) He is worried about water, the hose, the cold, etc. Can those of you who have been through a cold winter tell me what are your most...
  9. headred

    Can ducks eat wheat?

    I have lots of available wheat from harvest and I'm wondering if anyone knows if its OK to feed ducks some wheat mixed in with their regular grain?
  10. headred

    Hard boiled duck eggs?

    Does anyone have a secret for hard boiling duck eggs? After I boil mine, they seem to have a layer of white that stays with the shell and I just can't get much white out of the egg. Is there an age old secret to get the shells off easily without taking some of the egg along with? Are they...
  11. headred

    3 Khaki Campbell Drakes for sale--Lawrence, Kansas--SOLD

    I have 3 too many khaki males to my hens. $10 for the 3. They are 3 months old, very healthy and beautifully feathered. Heads are just now turning. Have been raised in my backyard in town. Please PM me if interested. Pickup only. Thanks!
  12. headred

    Advice for transporting older ducks?

    I am doing some trading tomorrow for some ducks. I got 5 khakis at our farm supply a few months ago, hoping at least for a half and half. In the last week, most all the heads have turned green :-0 (3 months old now). I am taking 1 drake and getting 3 hens back. What is the best way to...
  13. headred

    Is this Khaki a drake?

    I have waited, waited and waited. My ducks are now 11 weeks old and I really thought I had all females. But all of a sudden they lost feathers and the new ones coming in are NOT what I was hoping for :-( For you all in the know, would you say this is a drake? If so, I have too many drakes...
  14. headred

    "Straight run" chicks at a farm store?

    What does that really mean?? I thought it meant they sent all one gender OR is it that it just is what it is, a mix of male and female?
  15. headred

    Vent sexing a large duck?

    My ducks are about 12 weeks old now and I still can't really tell gender (and I'm so curious!!). I have some help today and am thinking about vent sexing them. Does anyone think it too traumatic to do this, seeing that they are about 5 to 7 pound ducks now? Not a problem to catch them, but to...
  16. headred

    Ducks losing feathers...

    My ducks look pretty funny right now! They are 10 weeks old and losing feathers. My question is can they come back looking different? I am hoping I have females (khakis), all things point that way. Would they already have green heads if they were drakes, or can that show up after the molting?
  17. headred

    Ducks addicted to worms!

    OK, with all the rain we are having my ducks can't keep their bills out of the ground and are constantly pretty filthy (but fun to look at!). I thought you duck lovers might enjoy this funny picture I took a couple of days ago.... Left to right: Khaki, Rouen and Pekin
  18. headred

    At what age does a male duck get the tail curl feathers?

    Can someone tell me at about what age the male duck will develop that tail curl? I really think I have female Khakis, but they are not quacking like my Pekin, who is a few weeks younger.
  19. headred

    Can ducks eat wheat?

    My dad is a wheat farmer so there is wheat a plenty. Can ducks have wheat straight from the field? Does it need to be softened? I'd appreciate any comments. Thanks!
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