Can ducks eat wheat?


10 Years
Feb 28, 2009
I have lots of available wheat from harvest and I'm wondering if anyone knows if its OK to feed ducks some wheat mixed in with their regular grain?
Read the label on your food. Wheat IS in your regular grains
We used to turn the birds out on the fields as soon as we got the straw off it. chickens seem to find more but the ducks would find enough to lay off the feed bowl after a day of gleeming and they had fun doing it!
I disagree. See nutrition facts for the product I use at link below. As I said, I let the kids and their friends feed it as a snack; it's fun for the kids, and fun for the ducks, and a little goes a long way. Yeah, it's just carbs, but it's low density, has no sugar, no fat, and is high in calcium--much better than feeding bread or other "garbage" for a snack. I used to let the kids feed frozen peas, but the ducks like that "too" much... they mob the kids and scare the little ones. The puffed wheat is perfect for "duckie show off time" when the kids have friends over: they like it enough to come up close so the kids can get a good look at them, but not so much that they mob the kids and frighten them.
10Ducks - I was suprised to learn of a whole new problem with cereals like puffed wheat. The process of "puffing" them results in their amino acids being denatured. They become toxic as shown by experiments on rats. Your ducks are getting plenty of other healthy food so it's not like they will immediately drop dead, but consider what it may be doing in the long run. The FDA just isn't doing it's job when it comes to allowing a number of different types of products into the marketplace.
Here's a link if you want to research this some more:

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