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  1. Frizzlett98

    Mixing Grower and Layer Feed Together?

    Hi there! Last week upon running out of chicken feed, my husband made a quick trip to the store and bought the only feed they had, layer feed. I only have 2 layers. The rest are still young and on grower. Anyway, I had no choice but to feed the layer feed to everyone until we were able to get...
  2. Frizzlett98

    Here We Go Again. Bloody Stool!

    After battling coccidiosis and worms for a few weeks, losing 1 chick and almost losing another, but thinking it was now under control, I have a hen who is pooping nothing but blood. She has had one dose of dewormer (fenbendazole), second dose due tomorrow. We’ve treated for Cocci with...
  3. Frizzlett98

    Hen’s Breed?

    I got this hen, Gretchen, about a month ago. She is almost 11 months old. We were told she’s a Jersey Giant. But she doesn’t look like our other two Jersey’s that we’ve raised from 3 days old. Gretchen is brown instead of black like my other two. She’s now smaller than my Cochin rooster who is 4...
  4. Frizzlett98

    Young Rooster Always Laying Down

    I just wanted to see if anyone else’s rooster does this, if it’s just his personality, or if there’s a potential problem with him. He is an SOP Standard Cochin, 14 weeks old. He is from a local breeder. He has done this since I got him at 8 weeks old. He’s a VERY calm rooster. If he didn’t look...
  5. Frizzlett98

    Hen Attacking Other In Nest Box

    I don’t know if there’s much of a solution to this but I thought I’d give it a try. I recently brought home a new hen (Bernie). My other hen (Gretchen) HATES it when Bernie goes in the coop. Day one of Bernie trying to lay an egg, Gretchen immediately went in after her. She got on top of Bernie...
  6. Frizzlett98

    Coccidiosis! Corid Isn’t Working!

    I have an 8 week old Jersey Giant that has been dealing with coccidiosis for weeks. Confirmed by doing fecal float. She’s been on Corid for 10 days, 2 of those days my husband did the wrong dose so she didn’t get enough in the water, so we added a few extra days to make up for it. We also did...
  7. Frizzlett98

    Corid Alternative?

    I have a chick that has been dealing with Coccidiosis for over a week. We did Corid in the water for 7 days. She’s better but not 100%. She’s still puffed up and looking a little uncomfortable. I looked at her droppings under a microscope so I know coccidia was the problem. There was a LOT. What...
  8. Frizzlett98

    What Color is My Cochin?

    Hi there! I have a hatchery quality Cochin and I just wanted to see what color you guys think she is. Splash, Mottled or just “leakage”? She’s kind of blue, kind of white. Her brother was lavender/self blue and another brother was splash with only a few colored feathers. Thanks in advance!
  9. Frizzlett98

    Wyandotte Gender?

    Hello! I’m new to Wyandottes and I only have 1. This one is almost 5 weeks old. Supposed to be a pullet but I have no idea. I just watched some very “rooster” behavior come out of her. The wattles scare me too. If she is a roo, she’s gotta go. Tell me it’s not so lol!
  10. Frizzlett98

    Boy or girl? Jersey Giant!

    I have these two Jerseys I got from TSC. Im unsure of their age because they had quite a few feathers when we bought them. Based on when they come in at the store they’d only be 3, almost 4 weeks old, but knowing how chickens feather, they’d be closer to 5, almost 6, meaning they were still...
  11. Frizzlett98

    Coccidiosis? Or something else?

    I have a 6 week old Cochin that has been walking around hunched up. He’s not quite fully feathered and I had him outside when it was warm and brought him inside when it got cold. I noticed he was hunched 2 nights ago outside and assumed he was cold so I brought him in. But he was still hunched...
  12. Frizzlett98

    Pullet or Rooster?

    This buff Cochin was looking like a pullet but is now starting to scare me a little with “her” red appearance. She is just over 4 weeks old. Her wattles are still white but her comb has grown and reddened substantially in the last week. Im still leaning towards pullet but compared to the pullet...
  13. Frizzlett98

    Stumped by a Cochin!

    I have these Cochin chicks that are almost 3 weeks old. I used to pride myself in knowing genders from 2-3 weeks, but it’s been a while. Years since I’ve owned chickens. So this “guy”, a splash cochin, is really making me question everything. Here it is as opposed to its male and female...
  14. Frizzlett98

    Sebright Genders?

    We have these two Sebrights and we're thinking 1 hen and 1 roosters. They are 5 weeks old. Any thoughts? The first is the one we think is a hen. 2nd is the rooster.
  15. Frizzlett98

    6 week old chick temperatures?!

    So I moved my 6 of my chicks outside 1 1/2 to 2 weeks ago since it's been warm. I put their heater out with them so they wouldn't be cold at night. Everything's been fine until now. Inside, chaos has begun. I have nine 3-week old chicks and one is a very aggressive Silver Sebright rooster. Today...
  16. Frizzlett98

    Cochins. Roosters or hens?

    I have six 4 week old Cochins. I know one is definitely a rooster which I've pictured first. The second I'm thinking rooster as well but not 100% sure. The third and fourth I think are hens. Pullets, if you want to get technical. But the last two, in not sure but leaning towards hens as well...
  17. Frizzlett98

    Chick breed?

    I have around 13 of these guys included for warmth in my order from Ideal. Any idea what they are. I'm thinking Buff Orpington but there are a lot of red chick breeds. You can't really tell from the pictures but they are reddish yellow.
  18. Frizzlett98

    Cochin chick coloring

    I have six Cochin chicks I got from Ideal Poultry. I have 1 white, 1 black, 1 buff, and 3 I'm not sure. I think the black and yellow ones are mottled but some of their color patterns are resembling some Barred qualities. I also have a red-ish yellow Cochin that I assumed was buff because it...
  19. Frizzlett98

    Weak/dying chicks.

    I just got chicks in the mail from Ideal Poultry today. It was a 3 day shipment that was supposed to be 2. We got a total of 19 but one died shortly after we got them home. We ordered 2 Silver Sebrights and one of them was the first that died. The remaining Sebright is not looking as good as it...
  20. Frizzlett98

    Chick Starter Question!

    So, I'm getting back into chickens after 3 years of not having them (So excited!). I just went to Tractor Supply today and picked up some of my essentials and walked out with 50lbs of DuMor chick starter 24%. I looked back and forth between the 20% and 24% and, for some reason, decided on the...
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