Young Rooster Always Laying Down


9 Years
Jun 22, 2014
Southwest Virginia
I just wanted to see if anyone else’s rooster does this, if it’s just his personality, or if there’s a potential problem with him. He is an SOP Standard Cochin, 14 weeks old. He is from a local breeder. He has done this since I got him at 8 weeks old. He’s a VERY calm rooster. If he didn’t look the part, you’d never know. Doesn’t crow, doesn’t fight anyone. I don’t think he’d even care if a bear came strolling up to him. But he still gets a pass since he’s young. Anyway, he lays down 90% of the time. He doesn’t seem sick. Eats, drinks, growing like crazy. He just, lays there, all day long. My husband and I aren’t really concerned about his health. But maybe he’s bored? Maybe it’s just who he is? Maybe he’s just so chill that he can’t be bothered to stand? He is super fluffy. He gets hotter quicker than any of the others. Maybe he’s just always hot and the ground is cooler?

Anyway here is the boy with his “groupie” who goes nowhere and does nothing without him 😂

And here he is doing the thing he almost never does lol
That's very odd, I've never heard of a chicken doing this unless they're sick. He acts normal otherwise? Does he sleep on a roost at night, or on the floor? Can he walk okay? My first thought was that maybe he's injured, and it hurts him to do anything other than lay down.
That's very odd, I've never heard of a chicken doing this unless they're sick. He acts normal otherwise? Does he sleep on a roost at night, or on the floor? Can he walk okay? My first thought was that maybe he's injured, and it hurts him to do anything other than lay down.
He acts completely normal. I’m not sure if he’d roost at night if I didn’t put him on there myself. All of the young ones only just started roosting recently. I help the ones that didn’t get the memo lol. He doesn’t seem injured. No obvious signs of pain. No illness. He walks perfectly fine. He never ever runs though. If I separate him in the yard from the others, he just walks back to them at a slightly faster pace.

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