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  1. fergyc2l2t316

    Injured Turkey

    I have a Turkey (female) and I think she was attacked by a rat. She has a nice size wound on her side underneath her wing and it is infected. I need a antibiotic to give her to combat it. I have been cleaning it twice a day and applying antibiotic cream to it and it was healing quite nicely...
  2. fergyc2l2t316

    Chicken leaning head back

    One of my hens has been leaning her head back onto her back and acts like she has something caught in her throat. I can’t find anything on this but there is something wrong with her. Can anyone help me here please? She has been doing this on and off for a week or so. At first she was acting...
  3. fergyc2l2t316

    How to teach a turkey to walk again

    Has anyone had a turkey that walked then became sick and couldn't walk but now is much better but needs and wants to walk again but can't? Mine was really ill and has a bad case of bumblefoot which is finally going down and he wants to be with his girl and the chickens but has no strength to...
  4. fergyc2l2t316

    Turkey with Bumblefoot

    My turkey has been sick since before Thanksgiving. Everyone says he did this on purpose because of the holidays. LOL. Anyhow, I took him to the vet and had tests ran on him. I am finally getting the pneumonia under control but the bumblefoot has me really concerned. They took a sample of...
  5. fergyc2l2t316

    Turkey sick pneumonia Use of humidifier

    My turkey has been sick with mycoplasmid pneumonia and he took another turn for the worse last night. I honestly thought he was not going to make it. But he pulled through again and is eating and drinking. But he is wheezing again. Does anyone know if a humidifier would be ok to use with...
  6. fergyc2l2t316

    Binding a Turkey Wing

    Can someone help me with this, please? I have tried everything and I am about to pull my hair out. I have a turkey who came down with mycoplasma pneumonia and it attacked his synovial joint fluid so he can't walk right now. We are doing physical therapy and he is finally coming along. But in...
  7. fergyc2l2t316

    ID Bands for my Peahens

    I have two peahens with one that likes to wonder, and I have been looking for something to put on their legs for identification. There are wild peacocks here and from time to time the county will come in and take some of them and release them at Floyd Lamb Park here in Las Vegas. I don't want...
  8. fergyc2l2t316

    Wanted true Araucana chicks or eggs.

    I am trying to find someone that sells Araucana eggs or chicks. Please let me know if you know where I can get them. As well as Silkies of all colors. I live in Las Vegas and there are non here. Please!! Thanks
  9. fergyc2l2t316

    looking for true with tuffs Araucana hatching eggs

    I just love this chicken and am having a hard time trying to find these eggs for hatching or chicks. Is there anyone that knows where there is a honest to goodness true Araucana eggs or chicks with tuffs out there? Please help. Thanks
  10. fergyc2l2t316

    Peacock eggs

    Does anyone know where I can get fertilized peacock eggs at a reasonable price? I just can't see paying $75 plus for one egg without any guarantees. Also looking for a reasonably priced place for fertilized duck and chicken eggs; looking for silkies and other chicken types Please let me...
  11. fergyc2l2t316

    Peacock fertilized eggs

    Does anyone know where I can get fertilized peacock eggs at a reasonable price? I just can't see paying $75 plus for one egg without any guarantees. Please let me know. Thanks bunches
  12. fergyc2l2t316

    Peacock Eggs

    Does anyone know where I can get fertilized peacock eggs at a reasonable price? I just can't see paying $75 plus for one egg without any guarantees. Please let me know. Thanks bunches
  13. fergyc2l2t316

    HELP!!! Nigerian Doe showing skelatal bones

    Hi, I hope someone can help me with this. I have a Nigerian goat and she is really big. Her abdomen sticks out like she is pregnant, which is a big possibility since my males found a way out into the my girls pen. Anyhow, the problem is this; her shoulder, hips and spine are very promenant...
  14. fergyc2l2t316

    My coolest baby chick

    We have two baby chicks that are being raised in the house with three pea chicks. They are the best of friends. The other day my son called me over to look at one of the baby chicks. It has a Mohawk. It is the cutest thing ever. Here is a picture of my Mohawk chick. Thought you all would...
  15. fergyc2l2t316

    Baby Chick swollen eye

    I have a baby chick that was hatched 3 weeks ago and had a injury on its beak and eye has swollen up. I started an antibiotic and it seemed to clear up. My son said he would take care of it and was doing so, but he started to slack off. the eye has swelled up again. It is due to an injury...
  16. fergyc2l2t316

    Hello new member

    I joined 6 days ago when I received a pea chick that was bloated from wind puff. Everyone was helpful and it is doing great. I have all sorts of birds from various chickens and roosters. Don't care what kind, I love them all. We have over 50 of them with all the new hatchlings. It is sooo cute...
  17. fergyc2l2t316

    Peacock Chick bloated with air in body

    Does anyone have an idea what to use or do for a peacock chick that has air in its body? I have to use a catheter to release the air from its body. I don't know what to do otherwise. I'm pretty sure that it is some kind of bacterial infection, but do not know what is causing it and can not...
  18. fergyc2l2t316

    Peacock chick bloated with air

    Does anyone have an idea what to use or do for a peacock chick that has air in its body? I have to use a catheter to release the air from its body. I don't know what to do otherwise. I'm pretty sure that it is some kind of bacterial infection, but do not know what is causing it and can not...
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