Injured Turkey


7 Years
Jun 22, 2014
Las Vegas, NV
I have a Turkey (female) and I think she was attacked by a rat. She has a nice size wound on her side underneath her wing and it is infected. I need a antibiotic to give her to combat it. I have been cleaning it twice a day and applying antibiotic cream to it and it was healing quite nicely until I had to go out of town for a week and left her in the hands of my husband (mistake I should of just took her with me but I doubt the hotel would let her stay). Now I need an oral or injectable to give her to combat the infection inside with the antibiotic cream for the outside. What would be a good oral or injectable for her that I can get over the counter since there are not any vets that handle fowl. Thank you in advance
I have a Turkey (female) and I think she was attacked by a rat. She has a nice size wound on her side underneath her wing and it is infected. I need a antibiotic to give her to combat it. I have been cleaning it twice a day and applying antibiotic cream to it and it was healing quite nicely until I had to go out of town for a week and left her in the hands of my husband (mistake I should of just took her with me but I doubt the hotel would let her stay). Now I need an oral or injectable to give her to combat the infection inside with the antibiotic cream for the outside. What would be a good oral or injectable for her that I can get over the counter since there are not any vets that handle fowl. Thank you in advance
Based on the description of the injury, it sounds like a mating injury from a tom.

Perhaps @casportpony can give advice for an antibiotic.

Turkeys are very resilient. I do nothing more than put Blu-Kote on wounds and my birds heal well. In many cases I don't do anything.

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