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  1. BornToQuack

    Eggs with rings - should I be concerned?

    The past week has been crazy, so my mom and husband have been helping more with the ducks. Today when I collected the eggs, I noticed one had a darker blue band around it. When I showed it to my husband, he just casually said, "oh, yeah, I've been seeing those for awhile now - just thought it...
  2. BornToQuack

    Eggs with rings - should I be concerned?

    The past week has been crazy, so my mom and husband have been helping more with the ducks. Today when I collected the eggs, I noticed one had a darker blue band around it. When I showed it to my husband, he just casually said, "oh, yeah, I've been seeing those for awhile now - just thought it...
  3. BornToQuack

    Keeping crows from stealing eggs & duck food

    I accidentally created monsters by feeding a pair of American Crows. At first, all was well and they were content getting the occasional treat of meal worms, cheese, baked chicken scraps, and other healty tidbits. Now, the crows boldly steal food from our ducks' food bowl, chase the ducks when...
  4. BornToQuack

    Soft egg followed by lack of laying - HELP

    On Sunday morning, I found a soft egg (very thin/weak shell) in the duck house. The other two eggs were perfectly fine (we have three ducks). Then, both yesterday and today, we've only had two eggs, so one girl has completely stopped laying. They seem to be in the very final stages of a molt...
  5. BornToQuack

    Dumped domestic drakes?

  6. BornToQuack

    Do you play with your ducks?

    While reading up on duck intelligence, I found an article which briefly mentioned that ducks can play games. Unfortunately, the article didn't elaborate. Does anyone on here play games with their ducks? If so, what kinds of games do you play? Note: I'm well aware duck "games" are probably not...
  7. BornToQuack

    Seeking duck boarder in Longmont, CO area

    There's a possibility that our family will be moving from Oregon to Longmont, Colorado within the next year. Since our ducks are part of the family, we'd like to bring them with us. The biggest problem is where to house them when we first arrive in Longmont. For one, we'll likely have to rent...
  8. BornToQuack

    Moving out of state - advice & boarding solutions

    There's a possibility that our family will be moving from Oregon to Colorado within the next year. Since our ducks are part of the family, we'd like to bring them with us. We'd greatly appreciate tips or advice on the following: 1) Logistics of transporting three Indian Runner Ducks across...
  9. BornToQuack

    Anyone use Mazuri Waterfowl Breeder feed?

    Hi all, The avian vet we take our ducks to suggested we switch over to feeding the girls Mazuri Waterfowl Breeder feed ( Has anyone used this feed before...
  10. BornToQuack

    Battle of the Breeds - Cayuga vs. Pekin

    Ok, so as I've mentioned in other threads, I've been considering expanding our flock from three ducks to four. After talking it over with the hubby, we've decided to stick with three ducks until we build a new duck house. That said, I'm a planner, so I'm already trying to decide which breed...
  11. BornToQuack

    DIY duck pond - stage 1

    From plastic kiddy pools to custom 5 1/2' x 3' pond with an average depth of 15" (it's sloped so the heavy muck settles by the drain). Foreman Phoebe made sure to check our progress throughout the project, then called a meeting with project managers Ash and Freckles just before completion...
  12. BornToQuack

    Age ducklings can be introduced to adults

    Hi all, So I'm probably jumping the gun here, but after talking with our City's permitting office, it sounds like we should be able to get one or two more ducks!! :wee Still have to convince my hubby to expand our flock by one or two (we already have three Indian Runners), so fingers crossed...
  13. BornToQuack

    Duck Valentine's Day cards

    Thought y'all might appreciate this. :) After my 4 year old son (Shaun) changed his mind several times as to what he wanted his Valentine's Day cards to look like, as well as the level of "help" he'd provide in their making, he finally settled on duck Valentine's cards. Not cards with say Daffy...
  14. BornToQuack

    Indian Runner Ducks look like drowned rats - advice, please

    Portland's rainy season is just starting to really kick in (typically starts closer to mid-October), and our Indian Runner Ducks look like drowned rats! They have plenty of places to get out of the rain, but seem happy hanging out in the cold, wet, mush that is our backyard. My question is: do...
  15. BornToQuack

    Mixed flock of Indian Runner Ducks & Cayugas - good or bad idea?

    Hi all, we have a flock of three Indian Runner Duck hens and I'm getting the itch to expand our flock by one or two more ducks. I've always thought Cayugas were absolutely stunning, so I'm considering getting one or two Black Cayuga hens. Would our current Indian Runner hens be OK with Cayuga...
  16. BornToQuack

    Keeping foxes/coyotes off property?

    Hi all, My sister lives in Florida and has recently started losing some of her free-range hens. She suspects that either a fox or coyote is the culprit. Since she also has horses, dogs, and small children who roam her five acres, traps and/or poison aren't options I think she'd consider to keep...
  17. BornToQuack

    Keeping Ducks Calm During Fireworks?

    Hi all, Any advice or tips on how to help keep our ducks calm tonight when neighbors are setting off fireworks to ring in the New Year?
  18. BornToQuack

    Duck drinking rain drops?

    I was just having a "chat" with our ducks (they love "talking" with me when I squat down) and suddenly one of them started nipping the air. It took a few moments for me to realize she was catching/drinking raindrops! It was both cute and hilarious to watch! :lau Has anyone else seen their ducks...
  19. BornToQuack

    Can ducks alternate laying eggs?

    So right now at least one of our three Indian Runner Ducks is laying eggs. This raises a few questions: 1) Is it normal for one duck to start laying about a week before the others? We were told all three ducks hatched on the same day, so is this one an overachiever, or are the other two late...
  20. BornToQuack

    First egg!!

    Well, it finally happened; at 25 weeks old, one of our female Indian Runner Ducks laid her first egg!! We're new duck parents, so this first egg was a huge thrill to find. :celebrate I can't wait until her sisters start laying as well. It'll be interesting to see if they all lay such pretty...
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