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  • Users: NubbyRyuu
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  1. NubbyRyuu

    Wtf Are These White Mold-looking Spots on my Pumpkin's Comb?

    This can't be happening, no way one of my babies is getting sick now. For context, my dad's boss is looking after my chickens while my folks and I are moving (stuck at an AirBnB in the interim, chickens are allowed), and I'm 20mins away from them. We also had a good couple days of straight...
  2. NubbyRyuu

    Planning Ahead: Bear Detterant

    My folks and I are in the middle of moving, stuck at an AirBnB, while my dad's boss takes care of my 6 bantams (Silkies and Barbu). Our new house has a shed + attachment that I got to see today, and my babies will be staying in the attachment, which is about 8ft x 8ft, roughly; it might be a...
  3. NubbyRyuu


    This is really important guys, I can't stress it enough. Long story short, my folks and I are trying to find a house to move into, and the people that bought ours are being pushy and non-understanding of our situation. We agreed to be out by the 21st, and the folks are looking at a renting...
  4. NubbyRyuu

    Why's My Old Girl's Booty Looking Big?

    Funny title, serious question. I've noticed my old girl, my 5yo Barbu D'Anvers Cross, Georgia, her butt looks like it's getting big. Compared to her daughter and my Silkie girls, their butts don't look like hers. Now Georgia has hit Henopause, she hasn't laid an egg since last year, but...
  5. NubbyRyuu

    Rooster Spinning in Circles

    I've noticed on occassion, my top Silkie Roo, Luppi, spins in circles similar to how my Swirly did; the only difference is, he doesn't have wry neck. He's gonna be 3yrs next month. He hasn't been displaying any other worrying symptom, no paleness, no lethargy, no weak crows (he crows plenty...
  6. NubbyRyuu

    FouMy First Soft-Shelled Egg This Morning

    Pretty sure it was my Leilei. I snapped her out of being broody in the past week, and she's been back-and-forth having a full crop at night. She has good weight on her, and she looks and acts fine. Contents of the egg was a normal egg white. I've been giving my babies a teaspoon of Rooster...
  7. NubbyRyuu

    My Chickens are Being Weird About Their Feed

    I have a small flock of 7 (Bantam Silkies, Barbu D'Anvers, and a Silkie Barbu Cross), all mixed ages, so the feed is mixed. They are also in an old horse stall that was made chicken friendly and lack a run. Their main feed is NatureWise All Flock. During the winter, I mixed in small amounts...
  8. NubbyRyuu

    My Leilei laid Two First Eggs

    Not seeing this pop up on the Already Asked thing, and I'm not getting answers from people I follow, so here I am. My Leilei is a 5mo SilkiexBarbu Cross who I've confirmed laid 2 first eggs as opposed to 1. How I confirmed was I saw her poop and I thought her vent had prolapsed! I quickly...
  9. NubbyRyuu

    Pepper Could Use Some Help

    So around 3pm est today, I noticed Pepper's crop hadn't gone down. I was gonna feed her when I saw hoe big and felt how hard it was, like a rock. I got her to drink water and massage her crop, but after a couple hours on and off, it's very slowly gone down. The weird part is this strange...
  10. NubbyRyuu

    Is This Bumblefoot?

    Last night, I went into the barn to put my chickens in their coop, and I found one of my 7mo hens acting out of the ordinary, lying there in the middle of the stall (it was a horse barn). I picked her up and thought maybe the weather got to her as she just let me hold her (something she's not...
  11. NubbyRyuu

    Keeping the Peace

    I had posted this on facebook, and once again, I have no answers. I'm losing more faith with that Silkie Group. Hopefully here, I can find an answer. "Just recently, my 6mo Rooster, Ash, suddenly list a toe nail. I took him to the vet twice (emergency and checkup), and finally his quick has...
  12. NubbyRyuu

    Help! My Ash isn't doing well!

    While I solved the one problem with my baby Pepper and her slipped tendon, I'm faced with another. My 6mo silkie roo, Ash, has been fighting something for a while that I thought I knew what it was. For two nights, I noticed he'd be the only one with an empty crop before bed, so I'd have to...
  13. NubbyRyuu

    I Need Answers ASAP

    I need answers for this, and I needed them 3 days ago. I've contacted a few chicken people, Facebook (with a group that probably won't accept my join request, leaving me only to rely on a Silkie Group), Reddit, and called NUMEROUS vets today, with only ONE that sees chickens but is expensive...
  14. NubbyRyuu

    Looking for Silkie Hen - Southern NH

    Hey everyone! I'm hoping you can help me. 2 weeks ago, I had to put my only hen down because she became very sick and did not improve. She's survived by her rooster and five babies (soon to be 2mo). I'm having a lot of trouble finding a Silkie Hen in my area that would be accepting of these...
  15. NubbyRyuu

    Have You Seen Us?

    My neighbor's 3 new Cochins went missing without evidence of a predator attack, and we think someone stole them. She had just adopted them recently from Nevin's Farm in MA; we live in Southern NH. They were part of a group that was abandoned in a cat carrier. The two hens are Rose and...
  16. NubbyRyuu

    Natural Hatch with a Clueless Swirly

    Hi everyone! It's been a very long while since I've posted here. Allow me to give a quick rundown of what's going on: Swirly is my 1yr Silkie Hen who has survived Severe Wryneck, though still suffers from it; it is under control via vitamins Long story short, my neighbor with chickens kicked...
  17. NubbyRyuu

    Roos Need Loving Homes

    My neighbor, Cindy, has agreed to allow me to post a rehoming thread for her Roosters. She ended up with more than she expected, and each one needs a loving home. They're all roughly a few months of age, and various breeds. Please contact Cindy via text or call. I shall post updates when...
  18. NubbyRyuu

    What Breed is Speedy?

    I can't remember if she's related to Slim (Swedish Flowerhen Rooster) or not, but I caught her in the run with my chick, Swirly (who I have to keep separated for several reasons). I was very surprised she wasn't trying to harm her in any way, as most of the others have. I call her "Speedy"...
  19. NubbyRyuu

    Therapy Birb has Swollen Closed Eye

    My dad told me this morning that the dogs had gotten one of Cin's chickens, but he managed to save it just in time. I went looking for it to make sure it was okay (and it seems fine, just smells like dog). But then I happened upon my friend here who has a swollen closed eye and some crusty...
  20. NubbyRyuu

    Pecking Order or Out for Blood?

    Hello everyone! To make a very long story (post: ) short, I've adopted my neighbor's Silkie Chick, who somehow became afflicted with Wry Neck. Her name is Swirls (named for the fact she will spin/run in...
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