
5 Years
Jan 26, 2019
My folks and I are in the middle of moving, stuck at an AirBnB, while my dad's boss takes care of my 6 bantams (Silkies and Barbu). Our new house has a shed + attachment that I got to see today, and my babies will be staying in the attachment, which is about 8ft x 8ft, roughly; it might be a touch smaller.

We do have a big run we're gonna attach to it and get things prepped once we finally close on Sept13. But I learned of a new problem I never had to deal with before: Bears. Black Bears to be precise.

Now I do lock my feeders away and all that jazz, no one's free range. While I do have measures to keep aerial predators at bay (and maybe ground ones; not everything likes blindly shiny objects), I'm trying to think ahead to any possible bears that might come through.

I read about bleach/ammonia type smells being placed in the trash to keep them out of there, but my chickens are not free snacks to the wild. I have time, so any tips and tricks are welcome. I wanna find the right deterrants that won't upset my 3 dogs either (so for example, which sound-based repells are best).
I will soon have black bears in my area as well. Some already present just a few miles away. I'm using dogs and hotwire. We have honeybee colonies to protect as well.

A bigger issue for me is the expected heat we are to have in summers ahead. Somehow all these threats will be considered to protect chicken and other farm resources better.

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