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  1. Three Little Bunnies

    What breed are these hens?

    Hi! We got six hand-me-down chickens last summer. We were told that they were Easter Eggers from a hatchery, but they don't look much like the EEs I have had in the past. Most of them lay blue, one lays pink. Any ideas? In order: Peppy, Chicken Little, Snowflake, Speckles
  2. Three Little Bunnies

    Chickens hatching quail?

    Hi! I have a broody bantam frizzle Cochin, and I'm considering letting her hatch something. My friend with quail said domestic quail can't hatch their own eggs, but maybe a chicken could? Would a chicken be able to hatch quail and raise them? Thanks!
  3. Three Little Bunnies

    White Leghorn pullet with chronically bleeding comb

    Hi! 1) What type of bird, age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) She's a White Leghorn pullet, about five months old, seems about the same size as her sister. She actually feels kind of heavy for a Leghorn. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Her comb...
  4. Three Little Bunnies

    How to feed large flock?

    Hi! Chicken math has taken over, and I now have thirty-seven chickens. These include seven bantams (Cochins and Brahmas) and a total of four roosters (right now, at least. We can't keep them all! Two are bantam Cochins and the other two are 12-week-old White Leghorns). Most of the flock is...
  5. Three Little Bunnies

    Chicken wiggling neck, very full crop

    Hi! 1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Easter Egger? hen, about two, seems the same as the others she came with. Most of them look like they may be overweight. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. This chicken has been wiggling...
  6. Three Little Bunnies

    Rooster died unexpectedly

    Yesterday I went out to put my chickens away at about 8 PM, and found my rooster lying dead on his back next to the fence. I had checked on them at about 5:30 and he was totally fine. The hens were all fine. His body had no blood or other signs of a predator. He was probably between 2 and 4...
  7. Three Little Bunnies

    Chicken with prolapse

    Hi! 1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Easter Egger, not sure of age, feels like a healthy weight 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Prolapse 3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms? 24 hrs 4) Are other birds...
  8. Three Little Bunnies

    Chick with watery poo

    Hi! I'm back with another problem with chicks. My four-day-old Pearl White Leghorn from McMurray Hatchery is just standing around instead of eating and playing with the others. She had a bit of pasty butt that I cleared, but her poo is now watery with a little bit of white. She has eaten...
  9. Three Little Bunnies

    Please help! Baby chick weak, cannot balance

    Hi! I have a three-day-old Pearl White Leghorn chick from McMurray Hatchery. She cannot walk and her head is wobbly, she is getting progressively weaker, but she will still drink if I dip her beak. Help please! Thanks!
  10. Three Little Bunnies

    Mold poisoning in chicks?

    Hi! I have nine two-day-old chicks from McMurray Hatchery. One just passed away, and I don't know why... I am aware that sometimes chicks are just weak and there's nothing you can do, but this one had perked up after drinking sugar water, and we were so shocked and sad to find her dead. The...
  11. Three Little Bunnies

    Chicks in same area as chickens?

    Hi! I am maintaining two flocks in separate sides of my coop right now (there is one big coop with a dividing wall). I am getting chicks this week, and I am looking for the pros and cons of keeping the brooder (protected by fencing) in the same coop. I'm mostly concerned about pathogens; what's...
  12. Three Little Bunnies

    Chicken Walking Backwards?

    Hi! I have a Buff Orpington hen who's probably about three years old. She is the friendliest of my current group (hand-me-down chickens). When she encounters something new, she will often back up from it like she's doing a little dance. I haven't seen any other chickens do this before, is it...
  13. Three Little Bunnies

    Can bantam hens be kept with standard rooster?

    Hi! I am trying to expand my current flock of nine hens and one rooster, who are getting older and not laying as many eggs. I'm considering getting between nine and twelve chicks, but I also have the opportunity to get three of my previous hens back. One is a standard-size ISA Brown and the...
  14. Three Little Bunnies

    What ate this egg?

    Hi! Today I found an egg in the nest box that had been eaten. I don’t know whether it was one of my hens or one of the mice infesting the coop or what. This has never happened before to my knowledge. Either way I need to fix it because we are getting so few eggs as it is.
  15. Three Little Bunnies

    URGENT!! Can these chicks be alive?

    Hi! I discovered two hidden nests of eggs in my coop. We had been on vacation, and it seems that one or more hens were sitting and left the nest, because I have not seen them sitting for the past four days. I candled the eggs and discovered that most were about halfway there. During the...
  16. Three Little Bunnies

    Squirrel invasion!

    Hi! Someone I know has a squirrel problem. The local squirrels walk right into the chicken coop and take the food. They used to take the lids off of the food storage containers and eat that, but when I locked those, they started taking it straight out of the feeders. My family wants to shoot...
  17. Three Little Bunnies

    Handling cockerel?

    Hi! I am working on socializing a chick raised by a broody hen. It is the only one hatched and its mom appears to be getting tired of it. The chick is around five or six weeks old and I have no idea what breed it is, but it has mostly white feathers. I'm pretty sure it's a cockerel because it...
  18. Three Little Bunnies

    Best hatchery to get quail? (And other questions)

    Hi! I am interested in getting some quail. What have you found to be the best hatchery for quail? -Reasonable prices -Good survivability rate -Meat production -Broody mothers (or fathers, I have heard that both will incubate eggs) -Health of chicks and adults In addition, what is the best...
  19. Three Little Bunnies

    Looking for birds in southern NM

    Hi! I am looking for a Mille Fleur Bantam Bearded D'uccle and a Blue Bantam Cochin (hens) in southern NM or El Paso. It would be great if the breeder had records of the purchase or hatching of the birds. I do not require that they come from the same place, but it would be nice. Preferably...
  20. Three Little Bunnies

    Best hatchery???

    What hatcheries have others used and found to be the best? - High chick survival rate - Health of birds as adults - Good variety of breeds - etc. Previous sources of chickens and why I don't want to do them this time: I have gotten fifteen chicks (5 breeds) from Hoover's. All but two survived...
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