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  • Users: Fru-Fru
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  1. Fru-Fru

    5 day old chick with swollen vent area

    What is it and is it treatable? The vent area is swollen and the chick seems to not be able to poop. The vent is clean but looks weird. Is it protruding vent or vent gleet, and most of all, how can I help the chick? The other one of this kind (it is a bantam Cochin or bantam Dominique) died...
  2. Fru-Fru

    Blue Cochin, 2 months old - cockerel?

    Hello, I have another dillema - it looks like a cockerel to me but the comb is a bit lighter compared to the other cockerels.
  3. Fru-Fru

    Bantam Easter Egger 2 months old

    I think it's a cockerel but I still am hoping it may be a hen and I can keep her. Can you help? Thank you!
  4. Fru-Fru

    Will my rooster grow back his tail feathers?

    My little frizzle Silkie rooster had all but one of his tail feather torn out by the bigger Silkie rooster... Some of the others are missing, some seem broken off at the stem. Will Frizzle grow them back? How soon? I'm rehoming the other rooster, so the abuse will stop soon. Attaching a pic...
  5. Fru-Fru

    Plants safe for and FROM chickens

    Oh Wise Ones, tell me: What plants chickens do not like eating? I'm trying to find plants that chickens are not crazy about eating, to plant in my garden beds, where chickens can occasionally visit. I don't have a way to fence off the area completely. I want to avoid poisonous plants, and am...
  6. Fru-Fru

    Silkie cockerels?

    Are these fellas little roosters? Silkies, 6-7 weeks old.. Do they all have streamers? :) Or too early to tell? I'm trying to sell/re-home them, and if they look like cockerels, I want to warn people ..
  7. Fru-Fru

    I got a Frillie!

    I have a Frillie! It's a mix of Mille-Fleur d'Uccle and a frizzle Silkie.
  8. Fru-Fru

    Help! Did not remove incubation tray before hatching

    I am dumb. I misread the instructions, and did not remove the incubation tray before the lockdown. The first chick hatched 6hs ago, one is piping, one egg has a crack. What do I do? The hatched chick can barely stand up, there is not enough space. It looks dry now. But the other one started...
  9. Fru-Fru

    Egg has veins but half of it empty

    It's day 7 of incubation, and most of the eggs have veins, but they look only half full. The liquid inside is not moving to the other, "empty" part. Is it normal? I have an incubator with automatic turning, but i don't trust it, somehow I see the metal bolt shifting the tray in the same...
  10. Fru-Fru

    Too many eggs, first chick hatched a week ago

    I need help! First chick hatched a week ago, followed by 3 more, what do I do with the other eggs, if I don't know when exactly they were layed? -- The story: After laying for 6 weeks, my Little Hen went broody - I did not have a heart to break her broodiness. She started with two eggs, and...
  11. Fru-Fru

    Cockerel or not?

    Hello, I have two uber cute 5-6 weeks old chicks: a frizzle Silkie and a Mille Fleur d'Uccle. Silkie roosters and hens are apparently hard to distinguish, but this guy looks, well, like a guy. Please, tell me I'm wrong! :( Adding the Mille pics as well, in case I'm calling her 'she' incorrectly :)
  12. Fru-Fru

    4 weeks chick started sneezing, but eats, drinks, active

    Hello Friendly Community, I have an issue with another one of my chicks. First time owner, 6 Silkies, 4 weeks old, in a cardboard brooder at home. He is my favorite, and I noticed 2 sneezes yesterday. Today morning, he sneezes every few minutes. He eats, scratches, maybe is a little bit active...
  13. Fru-Fru

    Breathing fast, sleepy, a little smaller than others

    Hello, I have a Silkie, 2.5 week old, mail order, that has me a little worried: -he eats less than the other chicks - spends time sleeping away from other chicks, when others are scratching or eating -he is breathing faster than normal, compared to other chicks in the flock (all same age) -he is...
  14. Fru-Fru

    First chickens!

    :) Hello, Everyone! I'm Marta, and I got my first few chickens a week ago, after learning that I will be working remotely for another few months. Silver linings! They are baby Silkies, in a range of colors. It is the first time for me, and I have a lot to do, and to learn. I have a yard that I...
  15. Fru-Fru

    Tiny chicken, eats little, hardly drinks

    Hello, I have been trying to keep a tiny chick alive. Can you help me? What can I do to treat him / increase his chances? The story is: I got my first chickens a week ago, mail-order from a local hatchery, they are Silkies. One of them came out of the box a little smaller, panting, did not...
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