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  1. MixedFlock23

    5 months old, frizzled satin silkie -- what gender?

    Cutie is my daughter's chicken. I say Cutie is a boy. She said I needed to post on here to see if anyone thinks Cutie actually is a girl before Cutie goes elsewhere. Thoughts? Cutie will be 6 months old next week. The attached photos are from a week or so ago. No crowing. No laying. No dancing...
  2. MixedFlock23

    Wounds not closing & diarrhea — 5+ weeks

    Hen was attacked June 8th (39 days ago). I’m concerned her wounds are not healing properly after browsing other wound stories on this site. (Seems by now wounds should have new skin covering them & feathers growing.) She’s also had diarrhea for weeks. She is growing new feathers where missing...
  3. MixedFlock23

    7 week old buff laced Polish genders

    Hello! I think I have a pair of Polish, but would love opinions on genders. I’ve searched these forums for laced polish genders and often no updates are given, so my plan is to update here every so often until I know for sure what gender(s) I have. They are named Thing 1 & Thing 2 (from Dr...
  4. MixedFlock23

    7.5 week old Silkie gender

    I know it’s early to start guessing gender for a Silkie, but feel free to let me know your thoughts! I’ll keep updating as the weeks go by. I first thought male around five weeks because of the thicker legs (thicker than polish anyway) & small comb with spikes. I’ve no other silkie chicks to...
  5. MixedFlock23

    What colors are my Prairie Bluebell, Silkie/EE, & Ameraucana pullets?

    I *think* the Silkie/EE mix is a dark blue because of the lacing & darker head color (and she’s lighter than my black birds). She’s the one with the crest. I assume the Ameraucana is a blue. The Prairie Bluebell—I’m not at sure what to call her color… porcelain? Isabella? Lavender with gold...
  6. MixedFlock23

    Fertilizer from the sky & eating eggs

    Hello! Story time! :pop Today I had a mild freak out session when the prop planes flew over our yard and dropped pellets over our entire half acre as well as the adjacent fields and several of my neighbors’ yards. I called the airport, farm bureau, dept of ag, the neighbor whose sister owns the...
  7. MixedFlock23

    Surprise winter chicks! 🤣🤪🥰

    Well, my young serama sisters (just weeks after their first pullet eggs were laid!) decided to have some chicks without my permission when I got sick in December. Sneaky girls. When I got sick, I only checked chicken food & water once daily (mornings) instead of also counting all my chickens and...
  8. MixedFlock23

    Silkies, Showgirls, & Seramas - 12 weeks old

    ETA: I created a poll. Please vote above. Thanks! We let our bantam Cochin hatch seven chicks. Hatch date was May 31. These photos were all taken either 8/9 (at 10 weeks) or this morning (a day or so shy of 12 weeks). I’ve labeled the only mixed dates photo collage. The first collage of each of...
  9. MixedFlock23

    Skipped their annual molt

    I have two Black Sex Link hens that I got from TSC in August 2019. They started losing feathers in the fall of 2020 like the rest of my flock (& like the two Salmon Favorelles who were bought same day, same place), but then they stopped molting and still haven’t molted! They feel dirty like...
  10. MixedFlock23

    Fostering: What dog breeds should we avoid?

    We are getting set up to foster dogs (one at a time) through our local humane society. All our pets are outside. We have three cats (in their catio at night & when we are not home; running in the yard/fields when we are home). We have a rabbit (in a hutch mainly, but allowed to hop in her fenced...
  11. MixedFlock23

    Guineas -color questions & coop mates question

    First question: What colors are these two guineas? (I do have one female & one male, correct?) Second question: Can they safely continue to live with a bachelor flock of four cockerels/roosters? Background: My neighbor got 4 guineas in August. They were 2 or 4 months old then, I can’t...
  12. MixedFlock23

    Wild birds dying—chickens now have green poop

    My chicken run is made of 2x4” wire fencing (5’ tall & covered with bird netting on the top only). I’ve not had an issue with wild birds until recently. We have had snow on the ground since February 7th & the wild birds (white throated sparrows & starlings) have discovered they can fly through...
  13. MixedFlock23

    What is too cold for one pullet?

    I bought three chickens last week. They were all from the same breeder, but not in the same flock. They are housed separately in quarantine now. Question: how cold is too cold for a lone bird? The 19oz ten month old d’uccle pullet and the 8 week old Ameraucana chick are in the shed (kept...
  14. MixedFlock23

    Ameraucana gender @7weeks?

    We bought an Ameraucana chick on Saturday. Gave it a bath & blow dried it today; that’s why it’s in the bathroom in these photos. The breeder said it was about 7 weeks old. Thoughts on gender? I’m seeing more pink than I’d like for a pullet, but also only one row in the pea comb, so I’m...
  15. MixedFlock23

    Birchen Belgium D’uccle??

    I just got this little pullet yesterday. The farmer that sold her to us said she came as a free egg in an order of his from last spring. He said he doesn’t know what she is. Based on reading online & her feathered feet, beard & muffs & teeny size, I think she’s a Belgium D’uccle... and a silver...
  16. MixedFlock23

    Where to add a fourth window for ventilation??

    I recently built a second coop for my bachelor roosters. I think I have four (maybe just 3) cockerels. They are 13-14 weeks old now and I’m not sure about one of the silkies. Anyway, I built a 6’ long x 4’ wide coop that is 3’ tall slanting up to 3.5’ tall on 18” legs. The north side nearly...
  17. MixedFlock23

    Chicks & guineas sneezing—what could it be?

    I have adult hens, a six week old chick, and 11-12 week old chicks. The hens are not sneezing. My chicks started sneezing at less than a week old... they are now 11-12 weeks old and still rarely do I hear a sneeze here and there. I bought guineas for my neighbor back in August also and...
  18. MixedFlock23

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte 5 weeks old pullet??

    Hello! I bought a BLRW from a hatchery vent sexed as a female as a day old chick. “She” is now 5 weeks 2 days old and has a lot of red in her comb and wattles. She is curious and often stands tall to check things out. She comes to us to be held and hasn’t ever challenged/chest bumped or acted...
  19. MixedFlock23

    8 straight runs... now 8-9 weeks old... 7 likely roosters?!?

    I bought two straight runs from a hatchery and then 6 straight runs from a local breeder. They were just a few days old when I got them. Now they are 8 weeks and 9 weeks old and it looks like I may have 7 cockerels and 1 pullet. What do you think? The bantam Brahma, I believe, is a pullet (one...
  20. MixedFlock23

    Chickens since 2016

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We ordered hatching eggs in early 2016 and hatched 9 of 18 eggs! Since then we’ve also bought chicks from Tractor Supply Co., Rural King, Meyer Hatchery, and a local breeder. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? We have two...
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