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  1. FuzzyOwlFeet

    Poultry Lice?

    This is why you should always quarantine new birds and avoid buying adults whenever possible. On one of my previous threads I was contacted by a breeder and bought her retired BLRW breeding stock. I was excited, these are my dream chickens! They are in quarantine pens so I can monitor their...
  2. FuzzyOwlFeet

    Pure Planet Poultry Spray for Scaly Leg Mites?

    I've never had to deal with scaly leg mites before, but I've recently noticed my chickens' legs look pretty rough. I also bought some BLRW last night and the rooster has it really bad. (He's in quarantine, no where near my other birds, they got it somewhere else) On hand I have Pure Planet...
  3. FuzzyOwlFeet

    Finally, My Dream Came True

    Today I was contacted by a local breeder. She was retiring her Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and wanted a no-kill home for them. A thirty-minute drive and 80$ later I finally have hands on some of my ultimate dream chickens. I have always wanted BLRW, but I had this weird curse where something...
  4. FuzzyOwlFeet

    What breed of rooster would match this color?

    Not sure I titled this correctly, but I have a lovely EE/Barnyard Mix hen who is reaching the end of her laying days. She is over 7 years old. I just hatched an adorable chick from her, but so far it appears to have taken all it's father's looks. Which I mostly expected, he is pure black. I...
  5. FuzzyOwlFeet

    Chicks pushed eggs away from heater

    I'm in the middle of hatching eggs, today is hatch day buy 4 hatched early yesterday. They are running around as chicks do, but they have pressed the remaining eggs against the sides of the incubator, my thermometer says on the edges it's 98⁰F. Those eggs are now showing no signs of life, I have...
  6. FuzzyOwlFeet

    Screwed up Lockdown Day

    Apparently I cannot read a calendar and put my chicken eggs into lockdown early yesterday morning. When I woke up today I realized they were supposed to go into lockdown today. Is there a chance I messed up my eggs' chances of hatching?
  7. FuzzyOwlFeet

    Could a shelless egg hatch?

    This is a curious topic, NO, I would not ever attempt to incubate such an egg. One of my hens laid a shelless egg today, and upon me inspecting it, I could see it had an airsac. For some reason that got me curious, could a chick actually form, survive, and hatch in a perfect environment aside...
  8. FuzzyOwlFeet

    Do YOU reccomend Dry Hatching?

    Pretty much what the title says. In the past 3 sets of eggs I've noticed the eggs that failed to hatch during lockdown drowned, too much humidity. I'm terrible at adjusting it, so I'm wondering if dry hatching would be more my style? How exactly do you do it? I'm using an old Farm Innovator...
  9. FuzzyOwlFeet

    Are these eggs worth incubating?

    I'm going to be hatching my own eggs in the next two days, however there are a few I'm unsure if I should even try putting in the incubator. Just as a note, I have incubated before but that was four years ago, so I'm still pretty new at it. I don't have pictures but will explain the best I...
  10. FuzzyOwlFeet

    Hello from Nebraska

    I'm from Nebraska, lived here my whole life. I'm a farmer, I do corn and beans. Used to have pigs and cattle, thankfully not anymore. My first chickens were roosters my parents rescued from an egg farm, there were around two-hundred. I was pretty young and don't remember too much about them...
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