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  1. jade eastwood

    Chick hatched with twisted neck and can’t walk

    I had a chick start hatching 2 days ago and I noticed it had become stuck with its whole face out of the egg and not able to bring it back in to continue hatching out. I stepped in and assisted it. When I came back to check if it had hatched it had, but it was lying on its back with its neck...
  2. jade eastwood

    My eggs aren’t fertile

    I have a silkie rooster with 3 hens who I bought in a breeding quad. For about the first 6 months all eggs or most were fertile, the past 2-3 months none have been! Why is this? I have other roosters but I sold one and I’m selling the others and even they don’t seem to have any fertile eggs...
  3. jade eastwood

    Scared silkie hen

    I have a little black silkie hen who seems traumatised from a rooster we’ve had previously, she currently lives in a flock of a few other hens and a silkie rooster, she has never had a problem with the silkie rooster until we got an Australorp rooster, he was living with my other hens and...
  4. jade eastwood

    Fertility rates

    I’ve incubated 2 lots of 14+ eggs over the past few weeks from all different breeds and so far only 3 have developed and have died early on. Does any body know why this is? It’s currently winter where I am in Australia but not super freezing so could it be impacting my roosters? I have 3 young...
  5. jade eastwood

    What’s this?

    I have two chicks supposedly australorps, and they have a funny thing on their head. Just wondering what it was and maybe if they aren’t full australorp, could they maybe be crossed with a brahma? They are about 4 weeks old. Here are some photos I tried to get good photos but I’m just wondering...
  6. jade eastwood

    What breed is this boy?

    I have had this rooster since he was a few days old. When I got him they told me he was a Sussex, I didn’t know much about chicken breeds at the time at all and so I didn’t even know what a Sussex looked like. Compared to other Sussex chickens I have seen, they look nothing like my boy, Cheese...
  7. jade eastwood

    Sexing silkie chicks

    I have 5, 9 week old silkie chicks, one of which is bearded. Although it is probably still to early to know for sure a guess is a guess 😂. I originally thought the bearded was a cockerel but noticed even though he/she is larger than 2 of the others (who I’m guessing are girls). my bearded hen is...
  8. jade eastwood

    What breed of chicken are these girls?

    I have had these 2 hens for many years and never found out the breed, would love to know because we are hopefully hatching some of their chicks 🐣 in a few days time. 😁
  9. jade eastwood

    Broken egg!!!

    I was checking under my broody hen and one of the eggs dropped and cracked. It is dinted and cracked but no yolk is leaking out. The eggs are about day 16 and this one has developed. Is there anything I can do to help it? I have started up the incubator in case I need to move to there. Any tips...
  10. jade eastwood

    3 month old silkie roosters????

    I have 2 young silkies that I’m planning on selling. I am pretty sure they are both roosters but I thought I would just check!
  11. jade eastwood

    Chick pipping upside down

    A lot of my eggs have been pipping upside down this hatch and was wondering if this is normal, they are definitely getting more tired and aren’t as easily hatching as my other hatches. What do you recommend doing?
  12. jade eastwood

    Chick stuck in egg?

    My silkie chick has been zipped like this for around 7 hours. It’s still alive but isn’t making an effort to get out. It pipped over 24 hours ago and I’m not sure if I should give it a hand. Any thoughts?
  13. jade eastwood

    6 month old brahma

    Not sure what the gender of my 6 month old Brahma is. Can get more photos if you’d like. Thanks
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