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  1. chickenmomma1108

    older hen with watery poops, slow crop issue (now sour?), slow moving

    Hey, I've got a Lavender Orpington hen of ~4 years old (weighs 6.4 lbs - nice and lovely feathers) that was standing away from our flock yesterday - tail down and moving slowly. We brought her home to watch for her intake of water (I added electrolytes) and have grit available. She hasn't laid...
  2. chickenmomma1108

    new breeds to add to our flock?

    Hey, Just wondered about any suggestions here for possible breeds of chicks to add to our flock this spring? First let me share what we have currently: 2 roosters, 18 hens, 2 chicken tenders 🤣 (DH and myself) At 3-4 (??) years old Lavender Orpington hen 💜 At 2 years old: Black Australorp...
  3. chickenmomma1108

    switch from pine shavings to pine pellet bedding?

    Hi everyone, We've gotten over a good dump of snow in Nebraska here the last 2 weeks and very cold temps (some days were -20 degrees F :eek: and very windy making the snow drift right back over places). Reason for posting this discussion is I have been searching all over BYC forums for what...
  4. chickenmomma1108

    new/old chicken owner intro

    Hello BYC, thought I'd finally drop in and say "hello". 1. Yes, I'm new to raising chickens (got our first flock members in March of 2022), but old to raising chickens since my family & I did when I was a kid like 20 years ago. 2. We (husband & I) have 20 chickens right now. 2 roosters & 18...
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