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  • Users: lynn1961
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  1. lynn1961

    Turkey hens still laying ?

    I was wondering who else has turkey hens that are still laying. Our wether has gotten into the upper 90's to 100 degrees, the turkey hens are still laying every day. I did not think they would lay more than a couple of months, mine have been at it since late February. They are cross breed hens...
  2. lynn1961

    Intergrating poults with adults

    Any suggestions on getting the turkey poults intergrated with the adults ? The poults are about 5 and 7 weeks old, they have been in the grow out pen for 2 weeks now where the adults can see them. Still have one turkey hen laying, but the other hen won't let her set, keeps taking her eggs, then...
  3. lynn1961

    Broody tom and hens, along with egg questions

    I have a question . My 2 turkey hens were setting on 15 eggs, that are at different stages. They should should start to hatch this weekend, Tom has taken over the smaller hens eggs over the past couple of weeks. But I have found 3 eggs out in the run that appeared to have been mostly developed...
  4. lynn1961

    27 thumbs up for Cornish X

    At the pre wedding family meal that myself and my mother cooked for yesterday, I cooked 5 cornish x that DH and I processed out of our meat birds this spring. We fed 27 or so people (best I could count), had lots of questions on where the chicken came from, how they were cooked, lots and lots of...
  5. lynn1961

    Tom sitting on eggs

    My 1 year old tom has started sitting on eggs with his girl this week. The hens have been nesting for about 3 weeks now, they chose to nest about 2 feet from each other, tom usually stays close by during the day and had been going to roost in the evenings, but I had been noticing him in the...
  6. lynn1961

    Turkey Hens sharing a nest

    The turkey hens are about 1 year old, this is their 1st year laying, these 2 girls are sharing a nest, they have about 10 eggs. Is this a normal thing for turkey hens to do ? I have not seen any fighting over the nest so far, One hen tends to spend more time on the nest, when I look there seems...
  7. lynn1961

    Turkey egg candeling questions

    Does anyone have pictures of candeled turkey egg embros, I have been looking for candeling pictures of them, but have not been able to find progression pictures from the begining to end of incubation, have found lots on chicken eggs.
  8. lynn1961

    Turkey egg candeling questions

    I am on day 13 with the turkey eggs, they were candled yesterday, two did not appear to be developing anything at all, used an LED light on them. My questions are: 1. Should the eggs look like dark blobs on the inside? 2. Does anyone have pictures of candeling turkey eggs ? 3. Anyone with...
  9. lynn1961

    Meaties progression pictures

    I started my meat bird project a couple of weeks ago. Here are pics of the 1st bunch at week two and the second bunch at week one.
  10. lynn1961

    Home made chicken pluckers

    I was looking on line for a reasonably priced chicken plucker. I found a few sites that tell about making one yourself, had not thought of that. What better place than BYC to find out other peoples experiences in making their own chicken pluckers ! Would love to see other peoples ideas or...
  11. lynn1961

    Home made chicken plucker / how to make

    I was looking on line for a reasonably priced chicken plucker. I found a few sites that tell about making one yourself, had not thought of that. What better place than BYC to find out other peoples experiences in making their own chicken pluckers ! Would love to see other peoples ideas or...
  12. lynn1961

    Wisdom needed for incubatng turkey eggs !

    Wow, was surprised to read that turkey hens lay 60 to 100 eggs per season. That they are not great mothers, got to thinking about that, and know that there is no way I need a potential 100 more turkeys ! I asking for some wisdom on incubating turkey eggs and rearing turkey poults. Incubating...
  13. lynn1961

    Turkey egg laying question

    My question is, do they lay daily, every other day or how often, I know that if I leave the eggs in the nest that they should start to brood the eggs after they have gotten their clutch. But I am wanting to incubate a couple of batches of eggs in the incubators 1st. i don't know a lot about...
  14. lynn1961

    Cross bred chicken pics, for th intened and accidental cross

    Hi everyone, Thought it might be fun to post pics of or cross breed, mutts or projects, what ever you like to call them !
  15. lynn1961

    Mid march hatch a long

    Have the eggs all ready and getting ready to set them in the incubator. 36 welsummers ! Anyone else setting eggs today ?
  16. lynn1961

    Cross Breedin Questions

    Has anyone crossed black jersey giants with welsummers. BJJxWelsummer, or WelsummerxBJJ ? If so what was the result as far as what the birds looked like, egg color and size, growth rate ? How about cross breeding of Easter eggers Welsummers ? or Welsummer and Easter Eggers Jersey Giants and...
  17. lynn1961

    Help needed with a Tom Turkey, Cockrel and Rooster problem

    Morning all, I need some ideas/help on a turkey, cockrel and rooster problem. The cockrel has been challenging the alpha rooster for a few weeks now ( to be expected ), the alpha rooster had kept the 8 month old cockrel in his place until the middle of this week. Now the tom turkey has joined in...
  18. lynn1961

    Tom thinks it is spring

    Young Tom turkey trying to impress the girls. Seems as if I was the only female impressed with him. Age of tom and hens is about 6 to 7 months old, he was strutting, displaying and drumming. Guess he was practicing.
  19. lynn1961

    crazy tom ???

    Is it normal for a tom to get excited at the sight of a bread bag? Or maybe he is a bit off? Seems that when I go out to feed without some bread treats I am just watched, but let me go out there with a bread bag and the tom starts to gobble , he does this repeatedly until the bread is dispersed...
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