Turkey Hens sharing a nest


8 Years
Feb 14, 2011
south central Oklahoma
The turkey hens are about 1 year old, this is their 1st year laying, these 2 girls are sharing a nest, they have about 10 eggs. Is this a normal thing for turkey hens to do ? I have not seen any fighting over the nest so far, One hen tends to spend more time on the nest, when I look there seems to be one of them on there all of the time. These hens have been raised togather, the only time I've seen any disagrement between them was when the tom 1st sarted mating them, but now that has stopped since they are setting on eggs, poor tom is being pretty much ignored.
Yes, it is normal. I have 3 that are sharing eggs right now. They never have any problems, although they like stealing eggs and putting more eggs under them. It's funny to see.

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