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  1. DeannaOR

    Plymouth Rock thread!

    Thanks for the invite to the thread Silver Rock =) Here are a couple pictures of my boy before he started molting. He was 5 months old here. Edited to add: My cock bird I hatched from eggs I got from Die Fly Ranch in California. Her birds are Dick Hortsman, Padgett, and Adamson Acres. The hens...
  2. DeannaOR

    Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

    Maybe these pictures will help you look at your own. Cockerels feather out slower, and tend to be smaller than the pullets..they catch up later. Note the differences in the crest at this age. In the second picture of the cockerel you can see the waddles starting to come in. Hallerlake pointed...
  3. DeannaOR


    LOL! My pig is almost famous!
  4. DeannaOR


    Yes! Thank you!!! I got it and was completely surprised. I just took a photo of it today too..had to show Rob =) I didn't know who transported, but I think I love it even more because it was several people who helped to get it under the tree. Also, I'm one of those sneaky types who will look...
  5. DeannaOR


    Looking for a Royal Palm hen or two...any one? I' in Colton, OR.
  6. hatched 2-13-13

    hatched 2-13-13

  7. DeannaOR

    Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

    There is an Appenzeller Spitzhauben Club of America group on place to ask.
  8. DeannaOR

    Tom has left gashes in my hen...advice needed.

    Thanks for the link =) She is healing very nicely..Vetericyn is amazing stuff! I am ordering her a saddle and will figure out how to trim his spurs. I know how to do nails...the spurs make me nervous.
  9. DeannaOR

    Tom has left gashes in my hen...advice needed.

    Could you post a link to that thread?
  10. DeannaOR

    Turkeys For 2013

    Hello all, Does anyone here use saddles on their turkey hens? My tom has ripped some pretty deep gouges in the side of my hen. I have separated her and I'm treating the wounds..but holy guacamole that can not be normal. So I'm curious how many turkey owners have this do they handle...
  11. DeannaOR

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    Who is hatching Heather???
  12. DeannaOR

    Tom has left gashes in my hen...advice needed.

    I have a pair of Royal Palms, the tom has started mating the hen within the last couple weeks. I noticed her acting rather solitary yesterday which is not like her at all. Checked her out and found gashes (deep ones) under each wing. I am sure this happened when the male is mating her and...
  13. DeannaOR

    Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

    That is funny flitter...maybe we should feed them purple cabbage and see if we can get lavender =)
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