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  1. Bloommagical

    Maggots? Worms?

    I think there are maggots coming out of my chicken's ***. Something has been off about this chicken for about a week, I took a look at her today because there was poop stuck to her, and there were maggots. I don;t know where there are any chicken vets where I live; how do I deal with this??
  2. Bloommagical

    Mixing Leghorns and Rhode Island Reds???

    I have 2 Rhode Island Reds, another that looks like a Rhode Island Red (completely forget the breed), and 1 barred rock. My sister told me she was getting 3 baby chicks (9 weeks), and I assumed she was getting more of the same. She got White Leghorns. My question is would Leghorns and Rhode...
  3. Bloommagical

    Going to have baby chicks, totally new, help?

    We got 6 month-old chickens in May this year. They don't lay eggs yet. After one of them was taken by a hawk, we were suprised with a rooster. We want to have baby chicks, and I've heard about incubaters and the like. (Why couldn't we just let the hens lay on them? Is that safe?) If we do...
  4. Bloommagical

    Violent Rooster?

    We bought 6 chickens and one of them turned out to be a rooster. He just got his voice about a month ago, that's when we knew for sure. Now he mates with the other four chickens, but he grabs onto their necks? Is this supposed to happen? I've never had chickens before. The girls seem...
  5. Bloommagical

    Is Jewlweed poisonous?

    My chicks are about 12 weeks old, now. I've been letting them freerange, I just have to keep an eye on them. I've noticed that they tend to eat everything... from bugs and grass to jewlweed. I even saw one jump for a leaf on a holly bush (she didn't eat it). Something that's been bothering...
  6. Bloommagical

    New chicken owner who has questions.

    Hello, I'm Emily. I'm 17 and my family got 6 chickens. They're about 2 months old now, so they have a few months of growing to do. And they are beginning to trust me. (There's one that doesnt trust me at all... But I think it's a rooster, because it protects and herds the others. Not sure...
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