Violent Rooster?


7 Years
Jun 1, 2012
We bought 6 chickens and one of them turned out to be a rooster.
He just got his voice about a month ago, that's when we knew for sure.

Now he mates with the other four chickens, but he grabs onto their necks? Is this supposed to happen? I've never had chickens before.

The girls seem scared of him, like they don't want to be around him. (Or I could be imagining things, but he has definately taken on the role as "aggressive dominant male".)

What should I do? Should I do anything?
Yes that is normal. It is also normal for a young roo to be a little rough at first. As they mature and gain um, experience, they settle down. Though it's always a little chaotic to human eyes!. As long as he's generally behaving himself just keep an eye on him. The hens will get used to this new bahavior as well and not be afraid of him. Occasionally there will be a roo who is just a jerk and never perfects his job of being a roo. He may even draw blood on the hens heads etc. Those ones I get rid of.
It is kind of violent at first you just wanna jump in and save the poor hen. It takes awhile to get used to it. But as posted it will settle down become alittle smoother and ..... quicker
. You should just watch, check your girls every day and make sure he isnt over doing it ..
Alright, thank you so much. I wasn't sure if it was normal or not. That's a relief.

If he draws blood he's gone.


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