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  1. cosmoguidry

    Video: Cooper's Hawk get my white bantam; not graphic, but not for the faint-of-heart

    Last week my little white bantam named Salt was dispatched by a Cooper's Hawk. I have more than one video of the attack, but I am only posting this one which is not THE EVENT but right before it. The reason why I'm sharing this video is to demonstrate how good a hunter the hawk is. At one point...
  2. cosmoguidry

    Complicated Dynamic (Aren't they all?)

    I have an existing flock of one rooster and 11 hens; mixture of Brahmas, Barred Rock, and Easter Eggers. I went to the store and picked up 6 more chicks to grow the flock and have them in a brooder right next to the existing coop. 4 days later I suspect one of my hens is brooding some eggs...
  3. cosmoguidry

    Rooster Overstepping His Boundaries!!!

    I have a 14 chicken flock that has been happy until the last week or so. 12 hens (9 EEs, 1 Brahma, and two Barre Rocks), and 2 roosters (1 EE "Rocky", and 1 Brahma "Elton"). Elton is handicapped in that he has a limp from an unknown injury he suffered when he was a chick, but he gets along just...
  4. cosmoguidry

    An interesting mystery

    I have an interesting mystery. My flock is 14 chickens; 2 roosters and 12 girls. Pictured is a good representative photo showing off my Brahma and Egger roosters and my 9 Easter Eggers, two Barred Rocks and one Brahma hen. They just started laying a week-and-a-half ago and it has been...
  5. cosmoguidry

    Not exactly new, but new with this flock!

    Hey gang! I used to have chickens and they all eventually moved on (spiritually and actually). I didn't replace them until we moved to an Acre-and-a-half (which is spectacular). I spent weeks building a mac-daddy coup and now we have 15 little babies. Inventory includes 2 Brahmas, 2 Rock Barres...
  6. cosmoguidry

    Is this a black eye

    Got home from work and found Reba the New Hampshire Red with this shiner. Is this an injury from a fight or is this some kind of disease? Cosmo
  7. cosmoguidry

    Backyard Remedies

    Three days ago I woke up to let my chickens out and found one had developed a cough or a sneeze. It continued for a couple of days until I found a suggestion of putting garlic in their water. I had a clove so I tried it out. The next day... no cough or sneeze. I really didn't expect it to work...
  8. cosmoguidry

    Dead girl

    I had 4 hens as of this morning. I let them out of the coop and all seemed normal. Two of my girls (an americauna and a new hampshire red) are dependable layers and did so today. I have a much older americauna who I call mom because she mothers the entire flock. In particular she loves to take...
  9. cosmoguidry

    Impolite chickens

    My wife and daughter went to a craft show this weekend and came home with a new chick. She is a 7 week old Buff Orington and is cute as pie. She seems to understand that I feed, water and care for the flock better than my original chickens...I'm stuck on this chicken and she's staying. However...
  10. cosmoguidry

    Newbie from New Orleans

    I'm not new to the forum...I've been reading for a long time. I've just recently joined. I have 4 chicks; 2 ameraucanas, 1 New Hampshire Red and a bantam mutt that's still a chick. One of the canas is 18 months ( recently adopted), the red and other cana is 20 weeks. I'm looking forward to eggs...
  11. cosmoguidry

    Is it too hot to lay eggs?

    I have 1 New Hampshire Red and an Ameraucana that are 20 weeks old. I recently adopted an 18 month old Ameraucana that was formerly laying. I moved her in with my girls and she is now part of the family. However, it has been almost 2 weeks and she hasn't layed an egg. Since the other 2 aren't...
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