Impolite chickens


11 Years
Aug 1, 2012
My wife and daughter went to a craft show this weekend and came home with a new chick. She is a 7 week old Buff Orington and is cute as pie. She seems to understand that I feed, water and care for the flock better than my original chickens...I'm stuck on this chicken and she's staying. However my Golden Wyandotts are beating her up. The first night I had to treat her beak for damage and last evening her ear area was torn up. One of my Americaunas is trying to take care of her but she's low on the packing order too. I don't have the ability to separate them while I'm at work since we have too many cats in the neighborhood. Anyone have suggestions to save my Goldens since I'm in love with my Buff?
Can you build a box, partition or area within the coop, with an opening sized so that only the youngster can fit through?

I have seen this work in other situations. It gives the young ones a place to escape the old bossy hens and roos.
Hmm...perhaps a shoebox will work until I can get around to making something more substantial. Thanks for the idea.

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