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  1. ChockLover

    Sexing my 3 week Barred Rocks.

    The first one that has a white spot on the head is a rooster. Basically, all the roosters are lighter in colour and have white spot on their head. The hens will be dark coloured.
  2. ChockLover


    UPDATE : Its a rooster here is a pic of him now:
  3. ChockLover

    Is my hen a Barnevelder OR Golden Laced Wyandotte?

    She was purchased from a lady who was just starting to breed them. She had orpingtons, GLW and barred rocks. I got her as a chick and was told its a orpington as she also had orpingtons. here is a better picture
  4. ChockLover

    Is my hen a Barnevelder OR Golden Laced Wyandotte?

    Is my hen a Barnevelder OR Golden Laced Wyandotte? She is 21 weeks old.
  5. ChockLover

    Sexing my 3 week Barred Rocks.

    I think they are all roosters apart from G. But I would definitely wait a few more weeks. The hens are darker than roosters in the feather colour
  6. ChockLover

    FLIES! how to get rI'd of them in my garden

    I have 7 chickens and they free range in the garden which is quite big. They poop everywhere on the grass and flies are everywhere. I pickup their droppings 4 times a day but can only pickup dry ones not wet ones. Any ideas on getting rid of them naturally? Don't wanthink to use chemicals that...
  7. ChockLover

    Can I feed eggs from cocci infected chickens back to themselves?

    I have 7 chickens of which 1 lays eggs. They had cocci and are on corid its the 7th day. Can I feed the eggs back to them? or should i throw it away? Like boiling it and mixing with feed or frying it??? Thanks
  8. ChockLover


    I'm not sure. All three I purchased together have blue legs. The black 9 week rooster has black legs he was purchased from a different person.
  9. ChockLover


    These are the blue and splash for comparison with the white one which is next to eachother. The blue and splash are around 16 weeks to the seller said the white is smaller as they grow at different rates but I think it is around 12 weeks
  10. ChockLover


    The white one is not 16 weeks I was told its around that age but I have a blue and splash which are bigger in size than this one. So I would say it is 12 weeks. The black one is difinatly 9 weeks so I used to compare. If the white was 12 should it have waddles and comb that big? Thanks for your...
  11. ChockLover


    Hi, I purchased a white orpington around 16 weeks (I was told). I also have a 9 week old roo (black) to compare this one to. The roo is the same size as the white body wise. Can you help tell me if the white is a roo or pullet. Thanks
  12. ChockLover

    Black Orpington Rooster crossed with White Orpington hen, What color chicks?

    Hi, I have a black Orpington rooster and was wanting to know what colors I would get if I crossed him with a White hen? Thanks
  13. ChockLover

    What breed are my chickens?

    Oh its ok, lol I thought you get it by mating 2 different chickens but its actually a separate breed.
  14. ChockLover

    What breed are my chickens?

    What is a Black sex link? (how would you get a black sex link chicken)? Thanks I'm a newbie and would love to learn.
  15. ChockLover

    Help With Breed and Sex, 6 Week old chick

    @Citychick11Thanks for that, but we don't have Jersey Giants in New Zealand. So it cannot be a Jersey Giant. Sorry I forgot to mention I'm located in New Zealand.
  16. ChockLover

    Help with Sex and Breed, 6 week old chick

    Anybody else with an idea of breed?
  17. ChockLover

    Help With Breed and Sex, 6 Week old chick

    Thanks, This is bad news lol I can't keep roos where I live and it seems I have 2 roos and only 1 hen. Any other people with ideas about breed? or sex?
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