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  1. KingOfFools

    Problem with my bees?

    I am having a potential problem with my bees. I have two brood chambers, a queen excluder and one honey super. I have bees that just got over verrora mites about a month ago. I see activity in each of the 3 boxes. There are busy workers, and they seem happy, healthy and docile. I have not...
  2. KingOfFools

    BYC Café

    I saw the BYC Coffee house thread was a good attempt in 2011, and then it stopped. So, I want to restart it. Here is one of the several places you can chat about anything (assuming you follow BYC rules). I know there are already several of threads kind of like this, but I wanted a café to...
  3. KingOfFools

    New hens and no coup?

    Don't know if this needs it's own thread but I can't seem to find the answer on this... I have four established hens and four new hens, plus a young silkie rooster. The four old gals have a big coop to themselves because the new ones won't go in. Not sure what to do here. I really don't want...
  4. KingOfFools

    Silkie became a roo today

    So I have two White Leghorns, a Buff Orpington, a New Hampshire, a Red Sexlink, and a Rhode Island Red, all big girls. I have two black silkies that are growing up in the same place and a young beautiful Rhodebar. The two silkies started looking different from each other and I knew I was going...
  5. KingOfFools

    Hello from SoCal

    Been raising a handful of chickens in the Inland Empire area, and my wife and I are hooked. My stupid chickens are spoiled to death. We started with two white leghorns, two New Hampshires, and two Buff Orpingtons. One of the buffs got a broken leg before she even started laying. After trying...
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