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  1. B

    The Honey Factory

    Yeah, I've steady been getting pollen since January. Haha To be completely honest, I'd kind of be surprised if she had swarmed. All 3 boxes were still packed with bees even in the middle of the day with many workers out foraging. I've got the equipment to support a 3rd colony with the...
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    The Honey Factory

    Alright, looking for a little direction/advice here. I went through my hive (2 deeps, 1 medium) this weekend and triple checked all of my frames. No sign of the queen or eggs. Plenty of capped brood and larvae but the cells seemed to be getting backfilled with nectar. However, I had a load of...
  3. B

    Screw in water nipples keep splitting my 5 gallon buckets. Anyone have a better type?

    I'm doing 3 on a 5 gallon bucket. It didn't seem too excessive.
  4. B

    Screw in water nipples keep splitting my 5 gallon buckets. Anyone have a better type?

    They are all new buckets when I get them. Yeah, I have tried working the holes a little bit with my drill since if I go a step up in drill bit size, the hole is too big. It works temporarily but after a few months it still ends up cracking. Maybe I can try that. Just screw it in to allow a few...
  5. B

    Screw in water nipples keep splitting my 5 gallon buckets. Anyone have a better type?

    I go through a couple of buckets a year because they split around the hole where these nipples screw into the wall. At first I thought it was because I was cranking down too hard but I has still happened the last few times I've swapped out and went lighter. Does anyone have any better ones that...
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    The Honey Factory

    Go with a nuc if you can.
  7. B

    The Honey Factory

    That explains why these were on the very edge of the hive on the other side of the thymol. I still saw a lot of eggs and larvae. I went ahead and removed the tray. No reason to keep treating and disturb them if mite levels are so low.
  8. B

    The Honey Factory

    As an inexperienced beekeeper, I've always found that this hive acts a little strange. This frame is on the very edge of the hive. They have always had a tendency to favor the west facing side and that is where the bulk of the brood is located. I assume it is because of the sun setting in the...
  9. B

    The Honey Factory

    That sounds miserable. I can’t stand the cold haha Also found some queen cells with larvae in them. Will have to keep a close eye on them going forward. Someone on another site suggested they may have built these because of my Apiguard treatment. Trying to decide if I should abandon treatment...
  10. B

    The Honey Factory

    Very warm temps here in Louisiana. Lots of pollen in the air and white clover blooming. The girls have been enjoying it.
  11. B

    The Honey Factory

    Yeah I guess so. I frequently leave the door open for them to roam the entire backyard but there’s definitely times where they stay in there.
  12. B

    The Honey Factory

    I had to dig deep to find this thread. I didn't expect it to be on the DIY board. I got my first hive back in May and going into my first winter. Excited and nervous to see how they come out in the spring. It has been warm so they have still been bringing in pollen as of last weekend. Question...
  13. B

    What’s the earliest you’ve had chicks hatch?

    And then the 4th egg disappeared. I have no clue what's going on.
  14. B

    What’s the earliest you’ve had chicks hatch?

    Well if my math is right it was day 19 as well. Overnight 2 hatched with a 3rd breaking through the shell. I can hear the 4th peeping in the egg so that one should be a long soon. Probably the strangest part about it all is that my 5th egg disappeared. Both me and the wife saw it Saturday but...
  15. B

    What’s the earliest you’ve had chicks hatch?

    I put eggs under a broody hen on July 26th. I expected them to hatched early this week but went out to check and saw one egg with a hole in it and could hear peeping. I can see black (australorps) also. It seems a little early for them to start though. The hen recently moved all the eggs...
  16. B

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I keep forgetting this thread exists. I need to make a mental note to check it more often. I'll have to use that garden planner that was posted earlier. I've got my tomatoes and peppers sprouted and taking off inside. I need to find a good layout since I didn't plan well last year. Between...
  17. B

    Need help with escaping chickens.

    My coop height/design is less than ideal but for now, it’s what I’ve got to work with. The problem is anytime they get the idea in their heads, my chickens can hop up the 4 feet on top of the internal run or low side of the coop roof, walk over, then hop down into the rest of the yard. That’s...
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    Australorp females?

    Thanks everyone!
  19. B

    Australorp females?

    I’m pretty confident but just want confirmation. Born October 13th so…17 weeks. TIA!
  20. B

    Do chickens sneeze?

    Ok that was definitely a sneeze judging from that video. They were eating crumble at the time and haven’t heard it since then or in the previous 2 years that I’ve had them. Thanks peeps!
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