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  1. mangled

    Breed, please?

    F04B9D60-E7FC-4BA8-A398-C45653D538DC by mangled posted Mar 13, 2018 at 1:47 PMI had 9 birds brought to me in a rescue type situation and I was wondering if this fellow is a certain breed or a barnyard mix. He’s got white earlobes, he’s really a super nice roo. His legs are gray. His neck...
  2. mangled

    Dirty Eggs

    Hello, all- While spreading straw today, I discovered where my goose has been laying her eggs. There's 9. I'm sure they're fertile, and I was hoping to incubate, but they're just filthy. We are just all mud right now, its just ridiculous. She must've mudded them up walking in and out of the...
  3. mangled

    Baby Goat Pics

    Pics of our surprise kids from our rescue doe. The doeling, Lily. The buckling, Racer. The babies together. You can see how much larger the buckling is. I'm totally in love with goat kids. Blessings- Em
  4. mangled

    Pygmy Kid Diarrhea

    We took in a pygmy doe 8 weeks ago on a rescue type basis, and after determining her healthy, released her with our other two does. Imagine my surprise to go out to the barn and find her with 2 adorable kids yesterday morning. The kids seem healthy, they're up and moving around, eating...
  5. mangled

    Broodiness Epidemic!!

    I'm literally at a loss for what to do. I've got 2 broody geese, a broody duck and six broody hens. Gathering eggs is near impossible, especially when my geese are stealing and sitting on chicken eggs. You try to do it without getting bit, and it's impossible. Those girls bite, and hard...
  6. mangled

    Need some goat advice ...

    We've had our Nigerian dwarf and Pygmy females for 2 years. They're 4 years old and have always been together. They free range over 13 acres and are generally sweethearts. Recently, we've been working towards becoming more self sufficient and decided we want to try milking the goats. We...
  7. mangled

    African Geese Eggs

    I'm on day 30, and I've got absolutely no movement, rocking, peeping, nothing. This is my first time with goose eggs and I'm *really* beginning to worry. I know if I open my Brower to candle, my humidity will drop like a rock, so I really don't want to candle. When exactly should I worry...
  8. mangled

    Super Africans - 10 eggs set 3/19

    I'm so excited. It's my first time with goose eggs, so I'm nervous, too. I've got 10 in my Brower Top Hatch, and aside from a massive humidity spike, it's all looking good. I have done a ton of reading on incubating geese, and it seems that there's a lot of different methods, so I'm...
  9. mangled

    Angel wing and breeding

    Recently, I've adopted 6 African geese. One of the males has serious angel wing and one of the females just on the one side and not as bad. They've all just begun laying and I've been collecting the eggs and plan to incubate them. It just occurred to me this morning that there are eggs...
  10. mangled

    African Goose Questions ...

    Hello all - Through the summer, I started talking to an older woman at my church who has rasied Africans for 25+ years. A pair she claims to have had 23 years hatched out a brood of 5 this summer and she wanted to rehome her other pair of geese, as she's in need of space. I gladly accepted...
  11. mangled

    HE Washers - Love? Hate? Opinions?

    Our old, top loading washer finally bit it and we're looking into getting a high-efficiency washer. We're not sure which model to get, size, brand, etc., and are seeking opinions. Do you love yours? Hate yours? And, is anyone aware of a homemade laundry detergent that works with the HE...
  12. mangled

    Hen attacks Puppy

    We have an eleven week old puppy named Cookie. She's a boxer/collie mix, and weighs about 18 lbs. I went out to let the chickens out, and then came in to get her for her morning pee call. As Trouble, one of our BR hens, came around the edge of the barn, she let out this crazy growl-type sound...
  13. mangled


    Hello all - We're about to have a bumper crop of blackberries. I'm talking buckets. While the neighbor is using his to make homemade wine, we're wondering what to do with all of ours. I'd like to can some preserves, but I've honestly never canned before. I have all the equipment. Anyone...
  14. mangled

    Mallard Duckling Rescue

    At least I think they're mallards. My best friend's husband rescued 12 total ducklings from a storm drain at a gas station near his work, about 50 miles from where we live. I guess the mother duck had walked through the parking lot earlier in the day and a few had fallen down the grate over...
  15. mangled

    Waiting to cook or cooking immediately?

    Okay, so the deed is done. Harriet the turkey is now cleaned and plucked. My husband wants to brine her overnight where I think she's okay to cook right away. Thoughts? Brine solutions? Thanks in advance- Em
  16. mangled

    Plucking a GIANT turkey - help?

    We are processing 2 birds today. My huge bronze broad-breasted turkey is the first to go. My problem is this - the big pot I use to dunk the chickens will nowhere near fit this big old turkey. She has to be processed or I will lose her to the heat. How do you dunk & pluck a bird this size...
  17. mangled


    I'm about to have a bumper crop. We were timbered out a couple years ago and as I was walking the logging path yesterday, I was amazed at the blackberry bushes. They are just absolutely loaded with soon to be ripe berries. I plan on making a seedless preserve - if I can find a recipe, and...
  18. mangled

    Bronze-Breasted Turkey ?

    We have a bronze-breast hen that's just over a year old. She was given to me by a woman of freecycle and I've actually become quite attached to her. She's quite large, and I'm noticing more and more that she's laying and panting on the warmer days, especially towards the end of the day. Is it...
  19. mangled

    Bronze-Breasted Turkey ?

    We have a bronze-breast hen that's just over a year old. She was given to me by a woman of freecycle and I've actually become quite attached to her. She's quite large, and I'm noticing more and more that she's laying and panting on the warmer days, especially towards the end of the day. Is it...
  20. mangled

    Homeopathic folks - Damiana?

    After trying, unsuccessfully, with traditional medical doctors to deal with the problems I've been having with the side effects associated with my Fibromyalgia and recent cancer scare, I have sought the advice of a certified homeopathic doctor. I have been dealing with anxiety and depression...
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