Homeopathic folks - Damiana?


11 Years
12 Years
Jan 25, 2008
The Wilds of Western PA
After trying, unsuccessfully, with traditional medical doctors to deal with the problems I've been having with the side effects associated with my Fibromyalgia and recent cancer scare, I have sought the advice of a certified homeopathic doctor.

I have been dealing with anxiety and depression and a few other problems we won't go into on a family-friendly forum.

Anyhow, she has recommended damiana leaves brewed as tea. I've got them ordered, after researching them on-line, but I'm seeking personal experiences with it.

Has anyone used it, or tried it? Good or bad, I'd like to hear it.


I haven't had any personal experience with that, but if it is a tea brewed from leaves then it is technically not homeopathic. Naturopathic, herbal even, but homeopathy is a whole different ball game.

I hope it helps you, I fully believe in natural cures and rarely turn to traditional drugs for anything.

Best wishes for your recovery
I've been in the medical field for 20+ years. I'm ever so tired of doctors whipping out their prescription pads and just giving me more pills. I've officially been prescribed 11 different drugs. I take the ones I know I cannot get by without. My synthroid, my blood pressure pills, the rest are for sleep, pain, swelling, depression, anxiety... it's ridiculous.

If I took the pills they wanted me to, as frequently as they are prescribed, I'd be so stoned I would be non-functional. I just want to feel better, without bombing myself out on narcotics.

The Doctor is listed as a certified homeopathic/naturalistic practitioner, but she has also been to traditional medical school. I didn't know the difference. She was recommended by a friend with similar issues and she's really helped her.

I'm hoping she can help me as well.

Yeah, homeopathic are those tiny pills you melt under your tongue, and I *think* the tincture drops count as homeopathic too. I knew what you meant though, naturopathic, or "not drugs", LOL.

I am allergic to narcotics, but I think that's a very good thing. I always say that if I took a pain pill every time I was in pain I'd be an addict by next week. I deal with pain every day. Painted my bedroom a week ago and have barely been able to walk since. It's a tough condition. I take Tramadol for pain, but only when I really need to get something done. I don't like the idea of taking pain pills of any kind daily.

I too am on Synthroid by the way, and Propranolol for my migraines.

I hope this stuff helps, keep me posted.
I certainly will. I'm new to the diagnoses of fibromyalgia, but I've dealt with the pain, stiffness, all that other fun stuff for a year or more. I've also been referred to a Rheumatologist, but my appointment isn't until the end of August, for heaven's sake.

I refuse to just roll over and let this control my life. I ordered the Damiana from Monteray Bay Spice Company. It's very inexpensive. I spent $10.60 for a quarter pound, shipped. The actual cost is $4.00 plus $6.60 shipping.

I'm excited for Tuesday, when it gets here. The Dr. said the effects were almost immediate.


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