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  1. Celcampbell23

    Can you add chicks to a mama hen who already has chicks?

    I have a broody hen and a mama hen who hatched her own chicks. The chicks with the mama are 3.5ish weeks. I got some chicks for my broody hen and she rejected them. I have done this many times and never had one reject them. The mama hen with chicks is still in the brooder with her chicks in...
  2. Celcampbell23

    Depluming mites??

    I have a hen who is looking a little mangled. I know that sometimes when a roo has a favorite they can pluck feathers but I don’t know that I’ve ever had one quite this bad. Could this be depluming mites? It’s right in the base of her back and wings, the rest of her feathers seem ok. My concern...
  3. Celcampbell23

    Please help first time dealing with mites

    Thank you so so much!!! Do you happen to know if I could use elector psp and once dry, permethrin dust? Or is that overkill (if there is such a thing with these darn things)
  4. Celcampbell23

    Please help first time dealing with mites

    I went out to check again and I want to run away and never come back. I’m not sure what a “bad” infestation is but this is not good. I am reading elector psp also but it’s 20 degrees. How do I treat them without getting them wet? Is that even possible
  5. Celcampbell23

    Please help first time dealing with mites

    I thought my hens had been being overbred by our abundance of roosters and that was why some of their back feathers looked rough but I just found mites on two of my girls. I didn’t have to look hard. I’m freaking out because I think they’re northern fowl mites. I live in North Carolina. Is it...
  6. Celcampbell23

    Mucus poop?

    Thank you so much!!! 😊 the peace of mind is always so helpful!
  7. Celcampbell23

    Mucus poop?

    I have seen 2 poops like this the past couple days, they have like a clear white mucus but seem rather normal other than that. It’s been rainy and sopping wet in the coop and grass so idk if that could contribute. No blood though and everyone’s acting fine. Could this be normal or should I treat...
  8. Celcampbell23

    Please help! Hen with giant wound smells like burnt chicken

    Thank you so much! It’s so comforting to know hens can pull through such horrific things. They’re so resilient! The worst I’ve had so far is a failed hawk attack that almost ripped a baby chicks wing off, a failed fox attack that left puncture wounds in a hen and a make shift surgery to replace...
  9. Celcampbell23

    Please help! Hen with giant wound smells like burnt chicken

    Thank you so so much! I am going to go add some ointment first thing in the morning. I will do vetricyn spray first! I also have iodine that I may use instead depending on what @Wyorp Rock recommends! Thank you again ❤️
  10. Celcampbell23

    Please help! Hen with giant wound smells like burnt chicken

    Thank you so much! You’re a life saver! Yes I totally missed this wound and I feel horrible. I check them out everyday but this is perfectly hidden by her wings and she’s one of my shy hens that I can’t catch all the time. My alarm bells didn’t go off until she was limping because of it. My...
  11. Celcampbell23

    Please help! Hen with giant wound smells like burnt chicken

    @Wyorp Rock the first two are the most recent (right before I put on the iodine)
  12. Celcampbell23

    Please help! Hen with giant wound smells like burnt chicken

    @Wyorp Rock here are the images. Sorry for the delay. It looks like the gash goes downward and there was some dead skin holding in moisture and dirt or maybe pus. I got it cleaned out and removed as much of the dead skin as I felt comfortable removing without jeopardizing actually cutting her...
  13. Celcampbell23

    Please help! Hen with giant wound smells like burnt chicken

    Thank you so much!!! I so appreciate you taking the time to look that up and for and tagging @Wyorp Rock
  14. Celcampbell23

    Please help! Hen with giant wound smells like burnt chicken

    It is definitely a large gash but I don’t know if it’s quite a hole if that makes sense Thank you so so much!!! This gives me hope. I will bring her in tomorrow and give her a warm bath and clean it up and will post updated pics then. I will also go ahead and order amoxicillin just in case I...
  15. Celcampbell23

    Please help! Hen with giant wound smells like burnt chicken

    None that seem to carry Tylan 50. My TSC has tylan 200. Could I use that instead?
  16. Celcampbell23

    Please help! Hen with giant wound smells like burnt chicken

    Is there any other antibiotic that will work? It looks like they have penicillin but every TSC in a 100 mile radius is out of Tylan 50
  17. Celcampbell23

    Please help! Hen with giant wound smells like burnt chicken

    Oh that gives me so much hope! TSC just closed but I will have a pickup order ready the moment they open tomorrow. I would be so appreciative if you could share the dosage!
  18. Celcampbell23

    Please help! Hen with giant wound smells like burnt chicken

    I have a young hen who I noticed limping a couple days ago. I thought it might be bumble foot so I brought her in and couldn’t find any signs of bumble foot but noticed she had quite a bit of feces on her so I washed her off and as I was doing so I noticed this horrific wound under her left...
  19. Celcampbell23

    Cuckoo Maran or Barred Rock? Rooster or Hen?

    I’m stumped on this one. It was supposed to be a Barred Rock but was in the tub next to Tractor Supply’s “Maran Assortment.” It has feathered legs but Google says Cuckoo Marans don’t have feathered legs so I’m stuck. Also can’t tell if it’s a roo or hen
  20. Celcampbell23

    Rooster with black marks and white on comb

    Thank you so much! The odd thing is I have multiple roosters that have the black marks but none have had anything resembling the photo above appear on their comb which is also what’s making me so confused
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