Please help first time dealing with mites


Jul 20, 2021
Davidson, North Carolina
I thought my hens had been being overbred by our abundance of roosters and that was why some of their back feathers looked rough but I just found mites on two of my girls. I didn’t have to look hard. I’m freaking out because I think they’re northern fowl mites. I live in North Carolina. Is it possible it’s any other mites? They were right by their vents. I am going to pick up permethrin first thing tomorrow. I have ivermectin already. Do I need both?

I also use sand in my coop. Do I need to get rid of all of it? I don’t even know how I would do that it’s hundreds of pounds. I usually use first Saturday lime and we ran out and I didn’t think to order more because it was winter. I feel so dumb! My poor flock!!!! I have 20 chickens
I went out to check again and I want to run away and never come back. I’m not sure what a “bad” infestation is but this is not good. I am reading elector psp also but it’s 20 degrees. How do I treat them without getting them wet? Is that even possible
You can use Ivermectin Pour On topically on bare skin on the back of the neck of each chicken. It would be best to apply it early in the morning when it's still dark because it's easier to snatch a chicken off the roost and apply it. You can have someone hold the bird for you while you apply it.
Repeat applying again in 10 days to kill mites hatched from eggs. A third 10 day application might be needed since it's an infestation.

There's no need to get rid of the sand inside your coop. Buy Permethrin dust. Remove any straw or hay from nest boxes and burn it or dump it far away from your coop. Make sure nest boxes are cleaned and free from mites, dust them thoroughly with the Permethrin dust.
Importantly; close and secure all vents on the coop. At the entrance to the coop, put a pile of Permethrin dust at the entrance to the coop.

Get your leaf blower; make sure there arnt any chickens inside the coop, wear old chicken clothes and shoes, wear a mask.
Then use your leaf blower at full blast to hit the pile of Permethrin dust at the entrance to the coop. It will look like a smoke bomb went off inside the coop.
The dust will get in every crack and crevice inside the coop. Do this procedure in the morning, it will take several hours for the dust to settle inside the coop.

Once the dust settles, open all the vents. Then use Permethrin powder to liberally sprinkle it on the sand inside the coop. Use a broom to stir the Permethrin powder into and on the sand.
All of this must be done in one day, ie; treating the birds and inside the coop.
Here's a link for you with additional information: See posts #9 & #12.
You can use Ivermectin Pour On topically on bare skin on the back of the neck of each chicken. It would be best to apply it early in the morning when it's still dark because it's easier to snatch a chicken off the roost and apply it. You can have someone hold the bird for you while you apply it.
Repeat applying again in 10 days to kill mites hatched from eggs. A third 10 day application might be needed since it's an infestation.

There's no need to get rid of the sand inside your coop. Buy Permethrin dust. Remove any straw or hay from nest boxes and burn it or dump it far away from your coop. Make sure nest boxes are cleaned and free from mites, dust them thoroughly with the Permethrin dust.
Importantly; close and secure all vents on the coop. At the entrance to the coop, put a pile of Permethrin dust at the entrance to the coop.

Get your leaf blower; make sure there arnt any chickens inside the coop, wear old chicken clothes and shoes, wear a mask.
Then use your leaf blower at full blast to hit the pile of Permethrin dust at the entrance to the coop. It will look like a smoke bomb went off inside the coop.
The dust will get in every crack and crevice inside the coop. Do this procedure in the morning, it will take several hours for the dust to settle inside the coop.

Once the dust settles, open all the vents. Then use Permethrin powder to liberally sprinkle it on the sand inside the coop. Use a broom to stir the Permethrin powder into and on the sand.
All of this must be done in one day, ie; treating the birds and inside the coop.
Here's a link for you with additional information: See posts #9 & #12.
Thank you so so much!!! Do you happen to know if I could use elector psp and once dry, permethrin dust? Or is that overkill (if there is such a thing with these darn things)

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