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  1. AmyVoigt

    What record keeping system are you using?

    I second this. I have the paid version and love it!
  2. AmyVoigt

    Resting Meat Birds, To Cut or Not Cut, & Vacuum Sealing?

    It went better than expected! The first time in June, we did 24 Cornish Crosses and one Rhode Island rooster. It took us about one and a half hours to do all the birds. We were fortunate that I had a friend who knew how to gut out the birds and showed us how to do it. Biggest time saver -...
  3. AmyVoigt

    Resting Meat Birds, To Cut or Not Cut, & Vacuum Sealing?

    Thanks everyone. The responses I received eases my mind quite a bit. We have a crew of people coming to help so we will be sharing the birds with them as a reward. I am going to request that if they take any meat they should bring a cooler of ice to rest their birds before freezing. We have...
  4. AmyVoigt

    Resting Meat Birds, To Cut or Not Cut, & Vacuum Sealing?

    We have been raising chickens for nearly a year. We were very successful raising 14 laying hens and a rooster and decided to do meat birds this spring/summer. Processing day is in one week and we will be butchering 24 cornish crosses and the rooster. We have a plan for the processing...
  5. AmyVoigt

    Dealing with Opossums and chickens

    Last November we discovered we had a FAMILY of possoms on our farm. Luckily, our dog can sniff them out. Because we were usually in the barn milking cows at the time and they were young, a pitch fork did the trick. We then buried them in our manure pile. We ended up killing five in two weeks...
  6. AmyVoigt

    Cozy Coop Heater - Pros/Cons, Pictures?

    In Central MN and are finally starting to experience the cold of the winters. We started raising chickens in early August and they are just starting to lay eggs. We made our own coop; and 8x8x10 insulated structure, four windows with a ventilation fan inserted in one and currently have...
  7. AmyVoigt

    Brand New to Chickens!

    Hi everyone! I am brand new to chickens and we will officially start our journey on August 5th when we receive our first batch of chicks! We plan on starting with 15 layers. We are getting three breeds, five of each: Barred Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red, and Isa-Brown. This spring, we plan...
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