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  1. K

    New chicken bullying old flock

    Ah, I was looking into the pinless peepers… I’ll have to order some. How long do they generally need to wear them? We have her separated right now, so we’ll continue with that plan! Thank you!
  2. K

    New chicken bullying old flock

    Unfortunately the roosting area we have for them now is just temporary, so she’ll need to eventually be able to roost with them. It is so tough dealing with the rude gals, I’m sorry you’ve had to as well.
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    New chicken bullying old flock

    I was wondering if this would work! I will definitely try this. Thank you :)
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    New chicken bullying old flock

    I’m so glad your rescue eventually found her place in your flock. A glimmer of hope! We’ll just take things really slow and hopefully she improves.
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    New chicken bullying old flock

    Thank you for your thoughtful response. We definitely don’t want to put our flock in danger, and I agree that a mean hen isn’t really worth it. However, we took these ladies as a favor to a family member who could no longer care for them and she would be heart broken if we got rid of her. It’s a...
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    New chicken bullying old flock

    Hi all, We recently added 4 adult chickens to our existing flock of 5- we had them in a fenced off part of the yard for 3 weeks, and have let them mingle in the 1/4 acre yard the last week. The two flocks are mostly just ignoring one another, but one of the new hens (a blue laced Wyandotte) has...
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    Help! Hen with stridor

    Thank you SO much for your help. This community has been a life saver throughout my chicken and duck journey 🥰
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    Help! Hen with stridor

    All the girls are molting right now, so their combs are paler, but I believe Goldie is an old gal (our chickens are rescues, so we don’t know ages). Everyone has pretty much stopped laying for the season. If it is indeed a virus, what would the recommended course of action be? We actually...
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    Help! Hen with stridor

    Hi again, I have linked a video of Goldie, and I was able to get a chirp/sneeze in the recording. I don’t see any bubbles or swelling in either eye, and she is still acting normal. This is going on day 3. None of our other chickens are showing any symptoms, but do you think I should separate...
  10. K

    Help! Hen with stridor

    Thank you so much for responding so quickly! I have heard some chirping, which I assumed was her trying to clear her airway. I just checked and her crop is actually less full than I’d expect for this time of day. Definitely does not feel impacted (thank goodness). What would you recommend...
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    Help! Hen with stridor

    Hi all, I have a hen with what I believe is stridor based on some research. She has had it going on two days now. Yesterday and today I have given her olive oil soaked bread bits, but it hasn’t helped. She is acting normal otherwise and does not have any other symptoms like a runny nose. I...
  12. K

    Wild turkeys coming into yard

    I know this is an older post, but last winter we had a huge flock of wild turkeys that would visit every morning and they would eat scratch mingling with our chicken flock. I was nervous at first, but our chickens would actually chase the turkeys away over the scratch occasionally! It was a...
  13. K

    Bullying and feather pecking

    I know there are countless threads in bullying, but I haven’t been able to find a similar issue yet. I apologize in advance for the long post, I feel the backstory information may be important! We have a flock of 7 chickens that have a large enough coop and run, and they free range during the...
  14. K

    How to stay sane

    I know this is an old thread, but I really love the stories and support you are all sharing! It does always feel like there is some issue, illness, or emergency, which makes me feel like I am doing something wrong, but it helps to know everyone goes through this. I needed this today, so...
  15. K

    Chicken being bullied by flock after injury

    Hi @azygous! Thank you so much for your quick response and your article. I was thinking something along those lines for Dorothy as well! Our run is 12x6 and we have a total of 7 chickens. They have the option of free ranging, although they don’t like the snow, so they usually stay in the run...
  16. K

    Chicken being bullied by flock after injury

    Hi all, One of our sweet chickens was attacked by a fox in November and survived, but most of her feathers were pulled out on her backside. This trauma sent her into a heavy molt and it has taken months for her to refeather. Unfortunately, in addition to this, the flock of 6 has been bullying...
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