Help! Hen with stridor


In the Brooder
Mar 8, 2022
Hi all,

I have a hen with what I believe is stridor based on some research. She has had it going on two days now. Yesterday and today I have given her olive oil soaked bread bits, but it hasn’t helped.

She is acting normal otherwise and does not have any other symptoms like a runny nose.

I checked her throat yesterday and I couldn’t see any obstructions, but who knows!

I would love some other ideas on how to treat this, she sounds horrible!
Stridor sometimes happens when they get a small piece of feed stuck in the airway. It usually clears in a few hours or by the next morning. If it doesn’t clear up it could be a respiratory infection or a crop disorder. Are you hearing any sneezing or chirping? How does her crop feel?
Thank you so much for responding so quickly!

I have heard some chirping, which I assumed was her trying to clear her airway.

I just checked and her crop is actually less full than I’d expect for this time of day. Definitely does not feel impacted (thank goodness).

What would you recommend trying next?
If she is chirping, that may be a sneeze, which would point more toward a respiratory disease or infection. Do you see any bubbles in either eye, or any swelling around an eye? Some respiratory infections are caused by viruses and do not respond to antibiotics. But if you see the other symptoms, there might be something like MG. Would it be possible to get a video and upload it to YouTube and make it shareable here? I would keep an eye on her if there are no eye bubbles, and she is still running around acting normal. Have you added any new birds to the flock recently?
Hi again,

I have linked a video of Goldie, and I was able to get a chirp/sneeze in the recording.

I don’t see any bubbles or swelling in either eye, and she is still acting normal. This is going on day 3. None of our other chickens are showing any symptoms, but do you think I should separate her just in case?

Also, no we haven’t introduced any new flock members for a very long time, so I’m not sure where this could have come from!

Thanks again :)

Is she pale on her comb because she has stopped laying? I wouldn’t separate her at this point, just continue to monitor her daily. She probably has a virus, and the others have probably already been exposed the same time she was.
All the girls are molting right now, so their combs are paler, but I believe Goldie is an old gal (our chickens are rescues, so we don’t know ages). Everyone has pretty much stopped laying for the season.

If it is indeed a virus, what would the recommended course of action be? We actually haven’t had any illness like this before, so I’d love advice!
Viruses do not respond to antibiotics, so just make sure that she is drinking and eating. A virus may last for a few weeks. Infectious bronchitis is one that lasts about a month.
Thank you SO much for your help. This community has been a life saver throughout my chicken and duck journey 🥰

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