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  1. Becks Chicks

    Scissor Beak

    This little one hatched yesterday. Is it reasonable to assume it’s not going to thrive with that degree of misalignment? I had to do an assisted hatch with it yesterday. It didn’t pip and the cord was tightly wrapped around its legs and neck. I didn’t know that could even happen during a hatch.
  2. Becks Chicks

    Hatching Question

    I have 3 newly hatched chicks in the incubator, along with 3 more pipped eggs. I also had 2 with no pips. I rate my eggs and both of them I rated “A.” I took them both out to candle. No air sack left on 1 so I carefully made a hole and the chick was fully formed and dead, sadly. These are...
  3. Becks Chicks

    When can you tell if a cockerel is going to be a good one?

    My cockerel is 5 months old and appears great with the hens and pullets. He isn’t aggressive with the flock and gives me plenty of space. He actually seems a little scared of the dominant hen and I’ve seen her knock him off when trying to mate. It’s all been fairly drama free. Is there an age...
  4. Becks Chicks

    Do I have a sick hen?

    Looking for advice. My 2 year old black copper marans is acting fine. Eating and drinking normally. Still laying every other day. I spend at least 15 minutes in the coop every day watching my chickens so I'm sure there's no change in her behavior. Yesterday, I saw her lean over to to peck...
  5. Becks Chicks

    I think my cockerel killed my hen

    My 2 year old Spitzhauben passed away last night. She was my daughter's favorite :( Two days ago, I noticed that she was laying in the open brooder that I have. She seemed fine and was moving around when I got close and assumed she went in there for a dirt bath. I did note it mentally as...
  6. Becks Chicks

    What day am I on? Help please for someone new to hatching.

    I have a Nurture 360. Picked up the eggs at 11am on Thursday. I unpacked them and left them on the counter. Then I set them in the incubator on Friday at 11am. I apparently didn’t set the timer properly and when I checked it on Sunday it said day 0. Ugh. So the eggs didn't get turned on...
  7. Becks Chicks

    What breed is this? 9 week old.

    Any guesses?
  8. Becks Chicks

    6 weeks and won't leave brooder

    I have 6 week pullets that are in the brooder inside the coop. I have 2 escape doors that are always open and the pullets won't leave the brooder. I've had 2 instances where my Spitzhauben and another small hen fit through the escape doors and they mingled peacefully inside the brooder with...
  9. Becks Chicks

    When to move to outside coop

    My last batch of chicks went into the brooder in the coop on day 1. I didn’t lose any chicks. This batch of chicks I kept in the unheated mudroom because it’s been especially cold. We lost 6 in the first 48 hours. I’m positive it was from the low temp during shipping. They all look to be...
  10. Becks Chicks

    Gender guesses. 8 week Barnevelders

    I have 2 double silver laced barnevelders that I bought from Greenfire Farms as straight run chicks. I think I have 1 pullet and 1 cockerel because of color leakage on one of them. Their combs look the same color to me, with the disclaimer that I’m blue-yellow colorblind. Color differences...
  11. Becks Chicks

    When to take away the outdoor brooder

    I have a group of eleven chicks almost seven weeks old. They have been in an outdoor brooder from day three. They are fully feathered and the escape doors to the brooder have been open since week three. Most spend their days running in and out of the brooder. I have two double silver laced...
  12. Becks Chicks

    Brooder design feedback

    I have 6 chicks coming and I am going to construct a brooder today. I’ve sketched out my idea. Can I please get some feedback? Key ideas: Will go in outdoor run. Want it collapsible and lightweight for easy removal and storage. Three sides will have polycarbonate and the front will be...
  13. Becks Chicks

    Help ID these footprints

    We found these outside the chicken coop. This is the ridge vent that we are getting ready to install. The coop is predator proof with an apron and 1/2” hardware cloth everywhere, but these prints make me concerned.
  14. Becks Chicks

    Cream legbar pullet is aggressive

    I have a cream legbar that is 12 weeks old. She gets along with her flock mates, but is aggressive with humans. Anytime I reach in the run to feed and water, she bites. And I mean she latches on and doesn’t let go. She was aggressive from the day we got her. We named her Chippy. I’m ready to...
  15. Becks Chicks

    Chicken coop build 8’ x 20’

    We are starting our chicken coop finally! We currently have 5 pullets between 9-13 weeks. They are currently in a TSC coop that was only supposed to be used short term. My husband had a landscape project that was a priority and then COVID went through our family. We started the foundation...
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