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  1. C

    Odd egg/ lash egg?

    She’s about 18 months - 2 years I guess? She has layer’s pellets throughout the day and I throw in scraps when I have them. In the afternoons they generally get a few handfuls of corn to share and a few mealworms as a winter treat.
  2. C

    Odd egg/ lash egg?

    Here is the image
  3. C

    Odd egg/ lash egg?

    My chicken had been laying pretty much daily until Boxing Day when she lasted something soft and had a bit of shell/membrane left in her vent. I kept an eye on her but she’s been fine, not laying I don’t think, but happy and possibly moulting. Today she was fine, eating corn & mealworms at 3:30...
  4. C

    Quiet chicken… moulting or more serious?

    Hi, Thanks so much for your reply. I guess she’s about a year ish, just rehomed her from a local egg farm. I can’t see any lice/ mites but I can see new feathers. Her belly is a little enlarged maybe but not huge. She did a second dropping which was much more solid looking but still the...
  5. C

    Quiet chicken… moulting or more serious?

    I should add, I can see her body/ wings move as she breaths.
  6. C

    Quiet chicken… moulting or more serious?

    Hello, One of my new arrivals (Pumpkin) has been a bit withdrawn this week, yesterday she wasn’t fussed on food so today she’s in the house! Somewhat unimpressed by the box! She’s eaten a bit, (chomped the bit of bread out of my hands!!) had some water and pooped a slightly yellow/white...
  7. C

    New home winterproofing/bird flu protection

    Thank you! Yes, I saw that, although just fenced for now, housing only in the East but it won’t be far off. Thanks, I’ll keep looking at what will look/work best.
  8. C

    New home winterproofing/bird flu protection

    Thanks, I have dug the chicken wire into the ground on 3 sides, the other is concrete. We don’t really get snow (we’re south UK). Some rats etc but 3 cats do a good job there! I’ll look at polycarbonate roofing. That could be a good one. Thanks
  9. C

    New home winterproofing/bird flu protection

    Morning, After loosing my last 2 chickens to a daytime fox, I have constructed a more robust and bigger house so my chickens will primarily be in here. Yesterday we welcomed 4 new friends, meet Pumpkin, Chickolina, Brownie & Darcy! I am wondering about using something to weather proof, and...
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  11. C

    Hunched chicken

    Thank you. Yes she was hiding it well poor thing. 🐓
  12. C


    I think she’s about 2 years, maybe more. I inherited them from a neighbour and she had hatched this one. I’ll try and get a pic tomorrow- they’re all tucked yo for the night now. We lost one of our warrens today- she’d been under the weather, turns out she had advanced heart disease. Bit sad as...
  13. C


    Nope! Doesn’t know what she is… definitely not a cockerel … but doesn’t lay eggs either. Very happy though!!
  14. C

    Hunched chicken

    Thank you, I will try these products as I’ve been disinfectanting the coop and putting powder on the girls but they are still around. Makes sense they would target a sick animal. I took Wonky to the vet as I was concerned and turns out she was in the advanced stages of heart disease. Nothing I...
  15. C


    Not sure what we’ll add, probably just a few rescues.
  16. C


    I have 2 brown hens (warrens?) and one who think she’s a cockerel!
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