Quiet chicken… moulting or more serious?


Jun 8, 2022
One of my new arrivals (Pumpkin) has been a bit withdrawn this week, yesterday she wasn’t fussed on food so today she’s in the house! Somewhat unimpressed by the box!


She’s eaten a bit, (chomped the bit of bread out of my hands!!) had some water and pooped a slightly yellow/white watery poop.
No eggs. And I don’t think she’s been laying but not sure.
She’s a little sneezy too. Not too much and she’s not raspy, I can hear her breathe if I get right next to her but it’s not loud / gurgling.
It looks like she has new feathers coming through so I am wondering if she’s egg bound, got a cold or just moulting and sulking about it!!
I don’t want to bath her if she’s got a cold!
Thanks 😊
Do you know how old she is? She could be molting, but only a small part of her can be seen in the picture. It would be good to check her for lice or mites. Her runny dropping has a yellow tinge to it, so I would check to see if her lower belly is enlarged, in case of ascites or fluid. That can be from a liver or reproductive issue.

Chickens don’t get colds, but they get respiratory viruses or diseases that can last for life. Crackles or gurgles when breathing might be a sign of mucus in her airways, but it also could be that her crop is full, and some crop contents are coming back up into her airway. Check her crop to see if it is empty, full, firm, or puffy soft. Check again in early morning before she eats or drinks, when it should be empty.

Is she used to eating pelleted feed or crumbles? I would soften some with water, and make a mash with a small amount of cooked egg, to see if she will eat some? You may want to worm her with flubenvet, panacur, SafeGuard or Valbazen, depending on where you live.
Do you know how old she is? She could be molting, but only a small part of her can be seen in the picture. It would be good to check her for lice or mites. Her runny dropping has a yellow tinge to it, so I would check to see if her lower belly is enlarged, in case of ascites or fluid. That can be from a liver or reproductive issue.

Chickens don’t get colds, but they get respiratory viruses or diseases that can last for life. Crackles or gurgles when breathing might be a sign of mucus in her airways, but it also could be that her crop is full, and some crop contents are coming back up into her airway. Check her crop to see if it is empty, full, firm, or puffy soft. Check again in early morning before she eats or drinks, when it should be empty.

Is she used to eating pelleted feed or crumbles? I would soften some with water, and make a mash with a small amount of cooked egg, to see if she will eat some? You may want to worm her with flubenvet, panacur, SafeGuard or Valbazen, depending on where you live.
Thanks so much for your reply.

I guess she’s about a year ish, just rehomed her from a local egg farm.
I can’t see any lice/ mites but I can see new feathers.
Her belly is a little enlarged maybe but not huge.
She did a second dropping which was much more solid looking but still the same yellowish white with green my bits.
Crop is not full at all, hardly feel it. She’s eating pellets.
I give vermX every month (they had some 2 weeks ago when they arrived.)
Do you know how old she is? She could be molting, but only a small part of her can be seen in the picture. It would be good to check her for lice or mites. Her runny dropping has a yellow tinge to it, so I would check to see if her lower belly is enlarged, in case of ascites or fluid. That can be from a liver or reproductive issue.

Chickens don’t get colds, but they get respiratory viruses or diseases that can last for life. Crackles or gurgles when breathing might be a sign of mucus in her airways, but it also could be that her crop is full, and some crop contents are coming back up into her airway. Check her crop to see if it is empty, full, firm, or puffy soft. Check again in early morning before she eats or drinks, when it should be empty.

Is she used to eating pelleted feed or crumbles? I would soften some with water, and make a mash with a small amount of cooked egg, to see if she will eat some? You may want to worm her with flubenvet, panacur, SafeGuard or Valbazen, depending on where you live.


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