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  1. MandyMusshafen

    Black Bantam cochin paimt silkie mix

    Hatched this little cutie last weekend. It's a combination of my paint silkie hen Dottie And my black bantam cochin rooster Shaggy It's looking paint/splash to me. Will all their babies be paint/splash? Is there a difference in paint and splash aside from breed? And what is the silkie/ Bc...
  2. MandyMusshafen

    Chicks vanished

    I live in Oklahoma, way out in the country. We had SEVEN of our eleven 2.5 week old chicks disappear without a trace from a completely enclosed run today. There is no trace of anything, and no obvious entry/exit point. The only opening is a thin gap where the door opens and closes. They were in...
  3. MandyMusshafen


    This one is a 6-7 weeks old bantam cochin. I'm thinking cockerel bc there is some pink, but the wattles and comb are still pretty small. Thoughts?
  4. MandyMusshafen

    Is this normal?

    Is this normal? And if not what do I do to help? This is a bantam cochin chick about a week or so old, mailorder from Ideal as one of 8 hatchery choice bantam cochins. Could be frizzle. Any help is appreciated!
  5. MandyMusshafen

    Reclaimed fence panel coop

    Thought I'd share some pics of the coop we just finished! We used old fence panels from the side of the road for the walls, and some reclaimed tin for the roof! It's roughly 7'×7' and tall enough for me (5'6") to stand upright without touching! We bought the hardware cloth, brackets, staples...
  6. MandyMusshafen

    Is this egg normal?

    This is a pic of my green egg! This is the 3rd one we've gotten this week, and I'm assuming it came from one of my BYM girls. My question is about the splotchy "dirty" coloring of it in some places. Is that normal? Is it safe to eat? Do I need to add anything to their diet? Or is this just a...
  7. MandyMusshafen

    White leghorn?

    I traded a rooster for this pullet a couple months ago. She's around 20 weeks old now by my guess. I was told she's a white leghorn. I have a white leghorn mix (29 weeks old) and 2 full white leghorns (both a year old), and she is bigger than all of them, but less developed! Her comb and...
  8. MandyMusshafen

    Partridge what? (Pics)

    I picked this little bantam girl up a couple days ago and I'm just not sure what she is! No clue on age either. She's so darn cute though, so I couldn’t pass her up!!! She reminds me of my bantam cochins but she has clean legs. Any ideas? I included some pics of her next to one of my 20 week old...
  9. MandyMusshafen

    Tiny bantam cochin

    I bought this little black bantam cochin hen a few days ago. I was told she was around 4 months old. She has layed 2 tiny little perfect eggs. I also bought the red one in the last pic (included for size reference) at the same time, and she was supposed to be around 3 months old which seems...
  10. MandyMusshafen

    Black Austrolorp?

    This chick is 7 weeks old, and was supposed to be a black austrolorp. I bought 10 of them from Hoover's via the TSC website as sexed pullets. This is the only one with the little white "muff"? Is it a cockrel? I would expect more pink, but these are my first austrolorps so IDK. Is it a mixed...
  11. MandyMusshafen

    What's the verdict?

    Was supposed to be a sexed pullet from Hoover's through the TSC website, but all that pink makes me nervous! I have 8 of these GLW's and most of them have me scratching my head. I read in other posts that these are especially hard to sex but just thought I'd see what everyone thinks. This chick...
  12. MandyMusshafen

    Splash? Or what?

    Is this considered splash or leakage or what? Would he be worth keeping to breed with my blue hen for more splash? This is my first time raising cochins and I think I'm addicted! The first pic was when he was a bit younger for comparison, all the rest are recent.
  13. MandyMusshafen

    What is this?

    What is this? It's at a pond in the neighborhood near my job, and I'm super curious!!!
  14. MandyMusshafen

    DIY chick brooder

    Not sure this is the right category for this but I wanted to share our DIY brooder! The property we own looked like a hippy commune dump ground when we bought it. There was random junk everywhere and a little 2 room A-frame cabin that needs A LOT of TLC so ignore the mess and the graffiti on the...
  15. MandyMusshafen


    I have a 7 1/2 qeek old bantam cochin and I'm just not sure about it! We have another one hatched the same day that is most definitely a cockrel (labeled B1). Here is a pic for reference. But this other one I just can't tell. It has a pretty significant comb, but it's not red like the other's...
  16. MandyMusshafen

    Any ideas on this cockrels breed?

    This is the cockrel we've decided to keep! He's already the dominant one of the flock and looks like he's gonna be really pretty! Any help is appreciated!!!
  17. MandyMusshafen

    Gender help! And breed but mostly... GENDER HELP!

    HI! I am not new to chickens but new to chicks! These guys were hatched on Valentine's Day so they are about 7 weeks old! There are a couple I am pretty sure are roos, and a few I'm not so sure! Any help would be appreciated! Also any assistance on breed would be great!
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