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  1. ChicksofHeaven

    Poor sad wonky hen

    I have a hen that quit laying -which is fine- but she had pasty butt and I soaked her in warm water a week ago to clear it off… but she since then can’t raise her tail feathers. It’s so sad! If she were egg bound all this time she’d be dead by now… I don’t know how to help her. She gets...
  2. ChicksofHeaven

    Mature hen laying soft eggs

    We’ve recently discovered two soft eggs, two days in a row. Last week we noticed an egg that looked like it had a hard time coming out. We have three hens, they are exactly two years old. They’ve been laying through the winter 2 or 3 eggs a day total. Feeding them layer feed, scratch grain...
  3. ChicksofHeaven

    Guinea fowl for pest control?

    Hello friends. We moved to an 18 acre hobby farm in the past year. I have three chickens (hens) for eggs. We have noticed a few mice in the garage, and have been considering introducing a barn cat to manage that situation. However, in the summer we have tons of crickets ( I mean tons! ) and...
  4. ChicksofHeaven

    Heated waterer/ can you teach old chickens new tricks?

    Hi all! I have taken on my sister in law’s hens as she went south for the winter. I’m in south east South Dakota where temps hover around freezing through daytime hours, below freezing over night and it will dip even colder, single digits and -0 before winter is over. For that reason, I...
  5. ChicksofHeaven

    Rooster yay or nay?

    Judging by neck feathers would you say this one is a rooster? This is the only one I haven’t seen/heard crow.
  6. ChicksofHeaven

    combining young roosters with established hens

    Looking for advice and shared experience. I need to combine three young roosters with three laying hens. A little background: I raised three chicks that I got from a guy on FBMarketplace. All three turned out to be roosters. Sigh. They will reach 20 weeks at Thanksgiving. I recently took my...
  7. ChicksofHeaven

    Soft loose poop?

    Hello. I'm new to chickens - raised them with mom when I was a kid but that was a LONG time ago. Just yesterday and today I noticed a couple soft poops. Color and consistency of soft milk chocolate. No way to know which of three chickens. They are about 9 weeks old currently. They are on...
  8. ChicksofHeaven

    Chicken newbie

    Hi all! My husband and I just moved to a hobby farm. Last week we got three chicks from a FB marketplace dude.... we have a small TSC coop (hen house and small lower run) We constructed a run enclosure to let them get comfortable while they are small. (hope to free range next summer) The chicks...
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