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  1. meditationcheetah

    Odd bumps & a lot of eggs!

    So, today me and my boyfriend went to collect the eggs laid by our 3 hens. We hadn’t collected eggs since Monday, yet there were 11 eggs!! I don't think that's quite abnormal, but then we look at one of the eggs and it had really weird bumps on it that we had never seen before. If anyone knows...
  2. meditationcheetah

    My chickens are models

    Some very rare headshots! Here we have Artemis, Alvin, and Solange :p
  3. meditationcheetah

    Hunchback, Foamy Poop, Flopped Tail. PLEASE HELP!!!

    Thank you for the clarity on her physical forms. I was confused if maybe I did something wrong or if she had some sort of injury. Unfortunately, she passed this morning. I appreciate the help regardless.
  4. meditationcheetah

    Update on Theo

    This morning, my speckled Sussex Theo passed away. She was being held on a bed when she went. Honestly, I'm posting this just to tell someone, ANYONE that cares about chickens as much as I do. No one irl gets it. Even if they've played with her/seen her, they don't understand. I just needed to...
  5. meditationcheetah

    Chicken sweaters

    Super duper important question, are chicken sweaters a thing? Where can I get some? I NEED to know! :jumpy
  6. meditationcheetah

    Hey! I'm new lol

    I am in the cumberland county area in NC
  7. meditationcheetah

    Hunchback, Foamy Poop, Flopped Tail. PLEASE HELP!!!

    Hi. My Speckled Sussex, Theo, has been acting/looking odd lately. When she was a chick, she looked very healthy, and was about the same size as the rest of the flock. Then, around the transition period between chick to pullet, I started noticing some changes. First, she started hunching her back...
  8. meditationcheetah

    Hey! I'm new lol

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am VERY new to chickens. I got chickens for the first time about four months ago! I got four as 2 week old chicks and I'm so glad to see them growing! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have four, but I'm hoping to get...
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